cuatro - 4

205 9 0


Meeting fans on the street is such a heart warming experience. I walked outside with my coffee in hand, and even with a pair of sunglasses and and a big hat covering my face, three teenage girls rushed over.

"Oh my god, Angeles, we're huge fans!" one shrieked.

I winced, hoping not a huge crowd would hear. Like I said, today was supposed to be an in-disguise-nobody-recognize-me type of day.

"Can we get pictures please?" another asked.

Of course I wouldn't shoo them off. As much as I loved my space and alone time and almost impossible freedom to walk through my city, I love meeting viewers.

Throughout the rest of the seldom day, I stayed mainly undiscovered, apart from when I took a trip to work, a was greeted by a co-worker who announced my name like I was entering a game show. The entire two-floor building heard and many came running. And I guess it got to social media pretty fast that Angeles Singer is in Urban Outfitters, because more came, in swarms.

I call it a day once I've spent at least a hundred dollars and have met a couple of people. I made it back to my building and as soon as I walked through the door, I shed my clothes and shopping bags and hopped in the shower. The day hadn't even been stressful, I was just lazy! I almost never left the house but when I did, I'd come back with sore feet and the feeling of needing to take a long shower. Every time.


So it's Wednesday.

And y'all know what that means...

Just a new video on LosAngel's channel wooh...

Well, I went through the comments on last week's video, my apartment tour,

And the most requested video for me to make was a...

Dun da da DAA!

A dirty Q&A.

Okay, you'll have to forgive me, but I've never actually done a dirty question and answer video.

I've never really made a 'dirty' video.

This is partially because A)

I've never been in a long enough lasting relationship

And B)

Well, no relationship lasted long enough.


So yeah, my answers might be a little boring, but Imma' do the best I can because it's what y'all requested!

So I have fifty dirty questions I found on tumblr, and I guess I'm gonna... just... answer them...

Here we go then.

Oh god!

First question, would you rather blindfold me or be blindfolded?

Who is 'me' first of all!

Wow, I don't think these are dirty, I think these are kinky.

But I'm too lazy to go and find anything else so I guess this will have to do.

So to answer that question... um...

I guess I'd rather... be blindfolded...

Wait, actually no.

I'd rather blindfold you so you won't see me cry because I won't know what the hell to do!


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