Murdoc's "brilliant" idea 💡

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2D's POV:

We played Resident Evil on the Playstation 5 for a couple of hours until we call it quits and saved the game file as he turns off the Playstation 5 as I was wait for him and lead me the way but suddenly he grabs my hand and I kinda got gay thoughts about it as we walked out and still holding each other's hands as we chatted about how Resident Evil was fun and all and how we beat the 4th boss on the game and laughed as we kept looking at each other and smile back at each other while one of us is blushing.

Meanwhile at the Gorillaz Headquarters

Russel and Noodle made tons of missing posters with the bold letters MISSING: with 2D'S face on the middle and the phone number on the bottom part. While Murdoc in the other hand tried to make a portal but failed miserably.

Murdoc's POV:

"Fucking piece of sodding shit!!!" I yelled as I slammed the metal part on my desk. I  failed the 5th time by making the stupid ass portal. "Fucking heads killing me, this stupid portals not damn working, faceache got kidnapped, and how am I going to create the damn album if we don't got our damn singer to sing the damn songs?!" I rambled on frustrated as I sat down on the black stool as my thoughts pondered with possibilities what will happen to Gorillaz if we got a kidnapped singer in our hands and how will our fans react when they hear that our singer was kidnapped and it's been like 2 days since dents was kidnapped. Then an idea popped out of my head as I got up and hurriedly sprang out of the garage and went back in the apartment and went to the living room as I ran into the spot that 2D was knocked out and looked at the floor closely until i found a few samples of 2D'S blue hair. I picked up some samples and put them in a plastic zip lock bag and dashed out of the apartment and ran back inside the garage as I placed the zip lock bag containing 2D'S hair and (mostly dna) on the table as I looked around for some metal parts and some electronical parts. I found some parts that I was looking for and placed them on the working table, as I grabbed the equipment and tools for this project. "Well since I don't have a real singer anymore, I'll just build one myself. It's just gonna sing for my band and the fans won't notice that my real singer is missing and replaced. But this project will definitely save our asses for this band. And I dont think that 2D won't be seen again." I spoke to myself as I begin to work on my new secret project while having a shit eating grin. I hope that  Russel and Noodle will agree to this and not be to upset about replacing our singer. But, the good thing that I got 2D'S  hair and DNA sample to make a cyborg clone version of 2D and will be programmed to have the same singing voice and regular voice as 2D. Soon, this project will be a good blast to sing the songs for the new album. And eventually save our asses and the band Gorillaz.

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now