Now I present my creation...Cyborg 2D!

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Meanwhile back at Gorillaz Headquarters

Murdoc's POV:

Gonna screw this part annnnd....done! I was finally finished as I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I looked proudly at my newest creation, Cyborg 2D! I turned Jim on as his eyes lit up and looked at me and started scanning me. After he got done scanning me, he salutes me and spoke "Hello Master Murdoc, what would you command for me today?" I grinned widely as I started to command him.

Noodle's POV:

It's been a few days since 2D was kidnapped and me and Russel put out missing posters everywhere in L.A and we still didn't get any phone calls. And Murdoc didn't even came to help with us put out the posters and he's been in the garage a few days ago and won't come out. "Hey Russel, don't you think Murdoc has been in there long enough and did not eating or helping us, should we check on him? I asked as Russel looks at me and nodded as we got up off the couch and headed towards the garage. Russel banged on the garage side door as we hear shuffling inside and hear a the door move open and we see Murdoc looking at us with his huge grin. "I was about to grab you guys but I'm  glad you guys showed up. I'm going to you show you guys my newest creation!" He said excitedly as me and Russel walked inside the garage and followed Murdoc. We walked behind him as he walked towards an object that was covered by a black cloth.

Russel's POV:

I looked at Murdoc as he turned around and looked at us very excited about something he wanted to show us. I got a gut-wrenched feeling in my gut that  something doesn't feel right and when Murdoc removed the black cloth, that's when my gut feeling was right. "Now I present my creation...Cyborg 2D!" He spoke excitedly as me and Noodle looked at the Cyborg 2D and Noodle got really upset and I got really upset and angry about this. "Murdoc! Are you out of your mind dawg?! We can't replace 2D with a Cyborg! What if he returns home and sees this Murdoc?! He's going to think that we are replacing him and kicking him out of the band!" I yelled as Murdoc was suddenly shocked about my yelling and his face got really angry and he yelled "Who the hell thinks that sodding faceache will fucking return?! He won't come back lardass! And who needs that sodding idiot but where was I.... oh I already programmed my Cyborg to have the same voice vocals, same face and body features as 2D and he will be singing our new album and he will be ordered and follow my commands. He won't be having migraines, spacing out, doing dumb shit, and eating food. But, he will need to be charged everyday to move around and do things and i promise you that he will be better singer than 2D.....this Cyborg will be smarter, stronger, and will be armed with a lot of weapons built inside of him plus he can sing really good. I can prove to you that Cyborg 2D will be better and make our lives perfect and normal, watch." Murdoc grabs a nearby microphone stand with a microphone included as he walk towards the Cyborg and turns Cyborg 2D on. The Cyborg's eyes lit up and blinked as it rosed up and looked at me and Noodle. It's starts scanning us as I look at Murdoc with an what the hell is going on look as he watched Cyborg 2D finish scanning us and looked at Murdoc and salutes him. Then, the Cyborg spoke, "Hello Master Murdoc, what would you like me to do?" And Murdoc gave him the microphone and stand as he commands the Cyborg to sing. The Cyborg grabs the microphone and started singing Rhinestone Eyes. The Cyborg's singing voice sounded exactly the same as 2D and me and Noodle were shocked about this as we looked at the Cyborg 2D with wide eyes. After the Cyborg finished singing, it looks at us waiting for something to do. Murdoc clapped his hands and wrapped his arm around Cyborg 2D's shoulder as he looks at us waiting for us to say something about Cyborg 2D's singing. Me and Noodle were clapping as we look at Cyborg 2D in amazement as me and Noodle looked at each other thinking that maybe it won't be a bad idea to have a Cyborg sing the new album and welcomed the Cyborg 2D into our band, we still think about missing 2D but, Murdoc might be right that 2D won't be coming back and will never return. And Cyborg 2D looks way identical as 2D so the fans won't really notice and we'll just tell the fans that we found 2D and we will start making the new album and make new songs for it. Noodle looked kinda upset but she accepted the Cyborg 2D into her life and ours and for the band.

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now