Where is 2D?!

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Meanwhile, One morning at Gorillaz Headquarters (or apartment)

Murdoc's POV

"Grrr....bloody hell...my head..is..killing..me...." I woke up with a piercing headache from drinking last night. "Mmmmm..... I might ask faceache if he has any painkillers that i could have to get rid of my bloody headache if he has any." I thought as I got up off of my bed and opened my bed room door and walked out of my room and walked on the hallway connected to 2D's room. As I got to 2D's room, I noticed his bedroom door was wide open and I walked in his room and he is not in room. "Odd....he usual sleeps in a lot." I thought as I walked to his desktop and grabbed the painkiller bottle off his desktop and dumped 2 pills on my hand and putting the bottle back on his desktop. As I walked out of his room and walked down the hallway and back to my room as I opened my bedroom door and walked to my bed grabbing one of my half empty beer bottle, put 2 painkillers in my mouth,and chugged the beer down including the painkillers that I also swallowed in my mouth. I layed down on my bed and been thinking a lot of ideas for a new coming up album, as his thoughts where interrupted by a loud scream coming from downstairs."What the bloody hell is that?" I mumbled as I got up and walked out of my room and ran through the hallway and downstairs to see what was going on. After I ran downstairs, I see Noodle in the main room looking shocked and worried. "What the hell is going on" I said this when she pointed her index finger towards the living room and I saw the shattered window in the living room, glass everywhere on the floor and some furniture kinda knocked down. I was shocked and kinda pissed when I walked in the living room and took a look at mess on the floor as I hear Russel's footsteps coming from downstairs looking tired and got woked up by Noodle's scream. "Mmmmmm....what in the world is going on..?" Russel asked when he looked at me and Noodle and looked at the living room, his white eyes widened as he saw the shattered glass window pieces on the floor and the shattered window in the living room. "W...when did this happened? He asked as he walked closer to the mess on the floorand examine it. "It looks like someone broke into our apartment last night and smashed the window down and we couldn't possibility hear them break it. We were figuring out who would do this kind of thing but luckily our stuff didn't get stolen. Then something hit me in the back of my mind of thinking of  someone...someone with blue hair."Guys...has anybody seen 2D lately?" I asked. Noodle shook her head no and Russel shrugged and said "Naw dog, me and Noodle were sleeping in our rooms and we didn't hear anything." After he said this and I said "He wasn't in his room this morning when I got up to grab some painkillers for my headache." "Maybe he's in the bathroom or studio room, or the security room,or the garage." Noodle suggested. Three of us checked the studio room, security room, bathroom, and garage and we still couldn't find him. "I know he left his phone on his desktop when I came in there looking for those damn  painkillers" I said. Three of us were all in the kitchen thinking  and worried about 2D and something came up in my head saying something happened to 2D last night and we didn't check on him if he is alright. My head was filled with deep thoughts until Noodle said"Hey guys...should we go in the security room and check the cameras of what happened to 2D and when did someone break into our apartment?" Me and Russel looked at her and nodded as we opened the security room door and ran inside to check the security cameras. I turn the lights on and turned on the security cameras as we fast forward yesterday morning to last night to see what time did the break in happened. We kept on fast forwarding it until stopped as we saw a black figure stood outside next to the window as we watched to see what happened next, the intruder punched the glass window with his fist and glass shards are scattered everywhere on the floor after he punched the glass window, as he climbed inside our apartment and inside of our living room, he was holding his hand that started bleeding and brush himself off as we looked closer, we noticed that the intruder has bright light blue hair just like 2Ds, he was really tall and muscular, his face looks the same as 2Ds but this dude's eyes are hypnotizing bright red. We looked at each other until I saw the other security camera footage of 2D walking downstairs slowly to see what the noise was. Me, Noodle, and Russel were still watching the security footage as 2D accidently hit his toe on the wall where he tried to look closer and tried not to make any sounds but he was to late when the intruder turned around and walked to where the sound was and crept closer as we watch to put his hand to cover his mouth to try not to make any more sounds. Suddenly, the intruder disappeared as we watch 2D turn to look at the living room and we saw that the intruder was behind him and we were freaking out as he turned right back around and sees the intruder right in front of him as he tried to run away from the intruder and tried to yell for us to wake up but he was grabbed by his arms, and was slammed against the wall, pinned by his arms and legs as he struggled to get away from the intruder. We saw the intruder grab something from his leather jacket pocket and pulled out Chloroform and he leaned his face to 2D and whispered something in his ear as we watch in horror as the intruder put Chloroform on 2D's face, as 2D struggled to breathe but he passed out due to the Chloroform making him get knocked out and his body limped and we see the intruder carry him bridal style as he looked around to see if anyone was watching or awake. Then, that bastard created a portal and walked in the portal carrying 2D on his arms. As the portal disappeared, me, Russel, and Noodle looked at each other in horror as figured out what happened to 2D. 2D was kidnapped.

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now