Coming out as boyfriends

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A few moments later they finally arrived at their destination.....Gorillaz Headquarters.


"Finally"! I huffed out of breath as we arrived at my home by walking several miles and not stopping. "Welp here we are...I guess." I spoke as we walked into the property and walked towards the apartment front door. I was really happy and nervous as I turned my head as I look at Tranz and he was nervous just like me as we took a deep breath and I knocked on the door 3 times. We hear foot stomping through the door and hear the door lock click and wide open as I see Murdoc looking at us and then looking with wide eyes. "Faceache...your....your back?" He asked as I nodded. He looks at Tranz and my boyfriend waves at him as Murdoc gives him a weird look and looks back at me "Who the hell is this guy? He looks exactly like you!" He spoke as I look at him and said "I'll introduce to him later but can we please come in Murdoc? I want to tell you guys sometime!" Murdoc looked down and has a guilty look on his face as he let's us inside and we walked in the living room as he yelled Russel and Noodle to come here for a moment. We here footsteps coming from the stairs as we see Russel and Noodle come down the stairs and suddenly stopped and looked at us with widened eyes as they run up to me and both of them hugged me tightly as I hear them mumbled saying that they missed me so much and were happy that I was finally returned home. I hugged them back and after a few minutes, we let go of our hug and they talked to me about how life was going without me and we sat down on the sofas. They looked at Tranz as he waved at them and they looked at confused and looked at me and they both asked who is this dude and found out that he was the one who kidnapped me. They were about to hurt him but I convinced them not to hurt him and i wanted to have their attention because i needed to tell them about me and Tranz becoming boyfriends and our relationship. I took a deep breath and looked at Tranz as he nodded his head as he grabbed my hand to comfort me as cleared my throat, and looked at Murdoc, Russel and Noodle sitting on the sofa as i spoke very nervously "Guys, there's something I need to tell you....i...I don't know if yall gonna like it or not but...I want you guys to meet Tranz. He was my...kidnapper but! He apologized and treats me really nicely and he's really a fun guy to hangout. I know you don't like him kidnapping me but I hope you'll like him but there's one more thing to tell you guys......" Tranz held my hand as I held his and looked at my friends as I took a deep breath and spoke "Me and Tranz are now boyfriends and we are dating right now."

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now