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Tranz2D's POV:

We held each other's hands as we walked through the portal and entered 2D's world. We got out of the portal and looked around our surroundings as we made it to L.A. and we were at the alleyway and it was nightime as the street lights look so beautiful in the night. I look over to 2D as he looks at the street lights with amazement and looked very happy. "Hey Tranz, is it ok if we can look around at L.A. before meeting my friends please?" As he looks at me with his bright white eyes as I nodded and he grabs my hand as we walked on the sidewalk and checked out the streets of L.A. and people were everywhere! We continued walking until our stomachs growed for food as we looked at each other and smiled "You wanna get something to eat luv?" I asked as he nodded and said yes as we walked and spotted an open diner as we ran up there and went through the doors and entered inside the diner. We looked for a spot to sit and spotted the booth as we walked and sat on the booth and sat with each other as the waitress came by and asked us what to drink. We told her our drink order as she nodded and walked off, I was looking at 2D as I put my hand on his thigh, as he looks down and puts his hand on mine as we stare at each other's eyes as heblooks at me and made an adorable face, it was so cute and giving me a lot of attention as the waitress came back with our drinks and taking our order. We took our order as she finished taking our order and walked away, leaving me and 2D alone. We began talking about 2D's friends and a plan to make his friends accept us as boyfriends and living with each other. A couple of minutes later, our food arrived as we begin eating our food, in the middle of eating, a fan came by our table and wanted an autograph from 2D as he smiled and wrote his signature and gave it to the fan as this fan was happy and thanked him as the fan left our table with a happy face. I look at my cute boyfriend as he sips his drink and enjoys eating his food. "Hmph you make a lot of your fans really happy you know." He looks at me after he sips his drink and shrugged "Yep, I get dozens of fans who want to hang out with me and drink with the famous singer and frontman from the famous band called Gorillaz." He said as he looked at me with a smile on his face as I gave him a playfully jealous look and he sticks his tongue out on me and I done the same thing back to him as we started laughing and finally finished eating our food. We put the tip on the table for the waitress who served us as we walked out the diner holding hands as we walked on the sidewalk to the destination and trying not to think about bad things that will happen to us, I also got a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen but I shrugged it. To our destination Gorillaz Headquarters here we come!

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now