Wedding ceremony Part 1💏🔔💒💍

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Few days later...... they decided to held their wedding ceremony at the private area at the pacific beach in L.A. and they invited 2D'S parents, their friends and other guests including fans obviously if they got the wedding invite.


Wedding bells rung as Noodle was helping me put my white wedding dress on for the wedding ceremony in the first dressing room and Tranz was in the different dressing room with Russel and Murdoc as Cyborg 2D was keeping guard outside between the two dressing rooms. As I got my wedding dress put on and looked at the mirror and to my surprise, the dress looks so beautiful on me right now as Noodle looks at me and awed as she smiled and said "Toochie, you look so beautiful today. I can't wait for the both of you to kiss and become amazing husbands." And I smiled at her as I spoke to her "Thank you Noodle, your the best sister that I ever had that supports me and cares for me in my entire life." After I said this, we hugged each other as we suddenly hear wedding bells ringing and wedding music playing outside the dressing rooms as we got really excited and got our stuff ready as I was putting on my wedding veil on my head and Noodle grabs the basket full of white flower petals because she wants to be the flower girl for the wedding ceremony. The both of us got out of the dressing room and walked outside as I see my future husband, Tranz was waiting for us by the entrance of the walkway as he looks at me and smiled warmly as he wraps his arm around my waist and whispered "Darling you look so stunning and very beautiful." I giggled and whispered " You look very handsome and very hot." As he chuckled as we see Noodle walk through the sand throwing flower petals on the air in the middle of the sandy walkway as she sat down on the pew with Russel, Murdoc, and Cyborg 2D. Everyone was very excited but some were crying in joy including my mum and pops as he and Tranz got ready to do their part, "Your ready, my sweet little bride?"~ Tranz asked sweetly and I nodded as we began walking through the sandy walkway as everyone was watching us and smiled at us very excitedly as we headed towards the front of the pier where the wedding priest was standing on the pier and ready for us to get married.

T.R.A.N.Z.E.D (2D x Tranz 2D) Phase 5 Gorillaz AUWhere stories live. Discover now