the monster

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Dear YN, I remember when I first laid eyes on you. I was getting my books out of my lockers and as I turned around, "Oh my God!" I accidentally dropped your books. "Oh shit I'm sorry!" I said picking up our books. "It's ok!" You looked up at me and grinned at me. "I'm Lamelo.." I shook your soft hands. "I know you! You play for the school's basketball team. You're really good at what you do." You continued. Not only did you look beautiful but you watch my every moves in basketball. "MELO LETS GO! WE GONNA BE LATE!" My friends snapped me out. "I'll be there in a second." I waved them away. "Uh sorry again about the books. I hope I can bump into you again." I smiled at you. "Mmmm maybe, we'll see." You said walking off. You walked off with confidence. You weren't lame nor popular but you did know where you stand.

It was destine when we bumped into each other again. "Melo?" You said as we were in the lunch line. "Oh hey!" I waved at you. I remember the exact fit because that shit turned me on.

"YN!!" Your friends called you

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"YN!!" Your friends called you. "I'll see you later Melo." You tell me before walking away. But before you could of walked away, "WAIT! How bout we get to know each other? I just feel like we may bump into each other again we might as well get to know each other." I tell you. You froze then you agreed. We exchanged numbers and the rest was history. We graduated and started living together.

I remember one day you wore this sexy ass romper when you got home from work. You walked past me smelling yummy. Smelling like straight vanilla and coconut. I knew you walked pass me for a reason. Especially when I was playing the games?? I grabbed you by the waist and now you were sitting on me. "So you wanna play games with me?" I said to you. "Maybe...maybe not?" Was what you said before you kissed me. I dropped my controller and kept kissing you. I slowly took off your romper only leaving you with a thong. I kiss your neck. Your tattoo show below your chest.

You moan a little as I kept going

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You moan a little as I kept going. I started licking your breasts and you moan a lil more. I laid you down on your back and kept kissing you as I took off your thong not breaking the kiss. Then I took off my clothes and went on top of you. I slowly stick it inside of you as you moan a lil. I was on top of you kissing your neck. I know you were going crazy. You was scratching my back moaning these slurrs. That shit was so sexy. Aggressively calling me out. We made eye contact as I tried to kiss you again but you moan in my mouth. Then you told me something I don't think i'll ever forget. "Melo baby don't ever leave me please. I want to be with you forever!" You says to me looking at eyes as i'm still deep in you. It was like we were in a galaxy. We were surrounded by the stars the stars we wanna be when we die. I couldn't let you down. You never broke me. You CREATED me. You made me a better me. "I promise babygirl!" I grunt as I was still deep in you. "OH YESS MELO KEEP GOING!" You moaned louder. We both climaxed and cuddled together. I kissed your forehead as you lay on my chest. "Melo.. I mean what I said when you was fuckin me.." You say looking at me. "I know and I'm gonna keep that as a promise." I kissed your forehead. And I did. You stayed in vows and in my life. Years later I went pro and you did art. But being pro meant not coming home on time, more practices, more partying, award shows. I didn't treat you like a wife...but like a stranger.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO??" I yelled at you. "I WANT YOU TO JUST BE THERE FOR ME! BE THE HUSBAND YOU PROMISED YOU SAID YOU'D BE!! WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME WE WENT OUT ALONE!!??" You questioned me. "YN GO TO HELL!" I stormed out. I ain't understand you that night. You cried that same night. You were drained from me. But I ain't see that. You were drained but I was distracted. I fucked bitches and threw money. I didn't love these bitches... I never did but I wasn't going back to that toxic household. 3 nights later, I unlocked the door and what I thought I heard a male in our house with you. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen running to your room and busting open the door. Everything I did went so quickly.I don't remember what i did. I snapped out to you bleeding on the floor and the knife by your neck. "Melo...please. I'm sorry for being mad at you... I want things to get better....for our family." You held your stomach and slowly looked up at me. A baby? You always wanted to be a mother.. We tried and tried but we couldn't.. That's what made me more distant with you.. But YOU NOW TELL ME...

When you cried, I cried.

Cops were called and they took you to the hospital where you died the next day. And I was locked up for killing you. I'm writing you in my jail cell. I know you can't see this but I know you can feel me in spirit. I'm a monster. A DAMN MONSTER! Can never forgive myself. I love you YN ..

-Lamelo Ball

"MR BALL YOU HAVE A VISTOR!" The officer says unlocking my cell. I walked out with my hand cuffs in front of me. I went to the visiting center. I saw my mom and my two kids. "Hey mom.." I hugged her. "You've been ok? I know it's been almost two years since you lost YN. You're writing her these letters like she's still here." My mom says sitting in front of ne. I'm ok's how i cope. "Heyyy Gregory and Mya!" They both hugged my face. Gregory was 3 and Mya was 2. "How's mom, Greg?" I asked him. "Mama missed you!" He says. Mya reminds me so much of YN. She looked just like her mama. "Heyy mama how are you??" I asked Mya. She gave me a thumbs up. "I missed you guys.." I smiled at them. Just like how I miss YN...

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