Excuse me-🙃

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I work at Forever 21 at the mall. A lot of people came to the mall today and it's frustrating. "Hey Emma, why is it so packed today? It hasn't been this packed since last Christmas." I asked my co worker. "Didn't you hear? Lamelo Ball is in the mall right now." She squeals at me. "Oh that basketball player that plays in the Hornets? What's so hype about him?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't see why he's so famous. It's not like he cured cancer or something. "Girl he's a NBA PLAYER! PLUS HE IS FINE!" Emma explains as she restocked the shelf's. I was counting the money in the cashier. The store was going to close and the mall is still packed. "Hey y/n can you drop these boxes back to Macy's. I borrowed these boxes from them." My manager asks me as he hands me the boxes. "Ok let me finish counting these." I told her as I still counted. I finally finished counting and carried the boxes. The boxes weren't heavy but it did block my view in front of me. I slowly walked forward using my side eye to show me the way. Just then "BAAAMMM" Someone bumped into me making the boxes fall down. "Oh shit. I ain't mean to drop these." I heard a male voice. "You better watch where you're going.." I yelled getting up. I looked and it was him. Lamelo Ball. He was picking up the boxes with his bodyguards. He looks at me and gave me a grin. "Oh you're the guy that everyone is going crazy over." I said getting frustrated. I didn't even let him talk. "You can't be attracting all these people man because shit like this will happen. You better stay away from me Mr. Pretty Boy!" As I was going to walk up to him his body guards walked in front of him. "I'm sorry I ain't mean to do that. I was just running away from the fans and..." I interrupted him. "You lucky these bodyguards are in the way." I barked at him as I walk away with the boxes. "Please let me help." Lamelo says walking by me. "I AM FINE! You've done enough! Thank you for picking it up for me but I have to go..." I walked off to Macy's which was close by. He was so fine but he just makes me mad. I went back to the store and Emma's face was shocked as hell. "NO WAY YOU YELLED AT LAMELO BALL!" She yells at me. "Yes I did and I'll do it again.." I said walking back in the store.

*the next day*

I couldn't get that out of my head. The fact that she didn't acknowledge me for being a celebrity and her yell turned me on me... damn I gotta see her again. I was driving in my limo going back to the mall. I kinda went by myself so i'm basically risking my life. So I went into the mall and I was already spotted. A few people followed me then more people kept following. It was to the point where I started to run. I ran to the Forever 21 Store and hid in a fitting room. I heard their door close and then someone came in the fitting room. "Mr Ball you're fine now." She smiles at me. I looked around and the store was empty with Employees only in it. I sighed with relief. "Thank you.. Emma?" I looked at her tag. I smiled at her. "It's no problem." She smiles back at me. "But please shop if you want." She says showing me the store. "Um i'm actually not here to shop. I'm here to talk to a girl I met that works here from yesterday." I explained. "What girl?" She asks me. "Oh I don't know her name but she's *a description of you*" I told her what I know. "OH YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT Y/N!" She yells at me laughing. "She's in the back. I'll get her for you." She says to me. I waited until she came with her. A few minutes later. I saw and she was looking good as ever. "There she is." Emma says to me. Emma walks away from me. The girl was giving me a shy look. "What do you want?" She asks me. "I just want to say that i'm sorry about yesterday.So I brought you this.." I pulled out a 5k necklace out my pocket. "Lamelo you don't have to gift me anything. Maybe I was a little heated yesterday." She sighs as she looked at me. "I should apologize too. I just was getting annoyed with everything. I was having a stressful day and I took it off on a damn famous basketball player." She kept going. "It's fine you should see my dad. I wasn't affected at all." I chuckled. "Ok good because I'm a nice person if you get to know me more." She smiles at me and it just brightens my whole day. "My name is y/n by the way." She shakes my hands. I felt my heart coming out my body as she shook it. "It's nice to meet you." I smiled. "Look um y/n it's something about you that I just can't get out of my head. I want to get to know you more." I told her. "Is this a date?" She chuckled at me.I mean like it can be but it don't have to." I scratched my head. "It can be a date." She smiles at me. We exchange numbers. "Ok I'll call you later." She says to me. "That'll be great." I smiled at her.

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