the rebound part 1

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"YEAH YEAH RIGHT THERE YARA!!" I froze. "Yara?  TF.." I looked at him. "You still with her.... i knew it... i knew it!" I pushed Raven off of me. "YN baby it's not like that. I promise. It was on accident." I put my clothes on and grabbed my belongings. Raven follows me. "I can't let you go home at night by yourself." "Well watch me." I stormed out. I fuckin knew it. He always talking about Yara. I knew i was just the rebound in his life... I finally came back to my apartment and cried in bed. "I HATE YOU RAVEN YOURE DEAD TO ME!"


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*the next week*

"Yn.. you need to get out of this room." My friend Callie sighs. "Yeah and you need to go out and shake ass!!" Remy yells at me. "I feel so ugly." I cover my face with my covers. "Oh my god! Look, how bout i set you up on a date." Callie gasps. I growled. "Wait who are you going to put her on with?" Remy sits next to Callie as they look through her phone. Their eyes both widened then squealed. "What are y'all looking at?" I looked at her phone. "Callie... your cousin? I haven't seen him since middle school." I looked at her. "You guys are the same age and y'all would look cute together. Plus he's in the NBA. PLUSSSS HE IS SINGLEEEE! Plus.... I need to be an aunty.." She kept going. "Come on!! Just try and if you don't like it then you can find someone else." I sighed looking at them. "Fineeeeeeeeee!" I groaned. The girls shook me in excitement. "Let me go tell him!" Callie texts him. "And you need to find an outfit." Remy shrugs.

*the day of the date *

*the day of the date *

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I was a bit nervous. I didn't know what to expect for today.  I waited until i heard the doorbell. I went up to my door and saw a 6'7 guy with curly brown hair dressed up all nice. "Sorry mamas." He smiles at me. We greeted each other with hugs. We got in his car and we drove off. "You look beautiful by the way." He smiles at me. "Thank you." I grinned. We arrived at this club and everyone is just dancing and having a good time. "Hey if you don't wanna stay here then we can go somewhere quieter." He whispers at me. "No it's ok." He was bobbing his head to the music and then a song came on. MY FUCKIN SONG! "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GRAB YOUR PARTNAS AND WINEEEE!" The DJ yells at us.

I quickly grabbed Melo and dragged him to the dance floor. As the chorus plays, i just started wining on him. He started dancing with me. His hands on my waist and i'm holding his arms. We kept dancing till we both got tired. "Let's go back to my place." He whispered to me. I knew where this was going but he was too fine so fuck it. We went back to his place. We started kissing in his bedroom. He then trails down to my neck. I started rolling my eyes like crazy. He slowly takes off my dress. "You smell so good mamas!" He whispers. "Melo... you better shut the fuck.." I looked at him. "You funny mamas, i like that." He says continuing what he was doing.

The way Melo was fuckin me felt so good! He kept fucking me missionary and saying how pretty i look as he fucks me. He was kissing me like he wanted me fr! Maybe he does. "MELO IM COMING!" I yelled at him holding his biceps. "Aight mamas!" He stops what he was doing as i squirt on him. "That's right mamas..." He chuckles at me. "I'm sorry Melo." I said panicking. "It's ok mamas.." Later that night, we took a shower together and cuddle in bed until we fell asleep. Lord... maybe he's the one! I woke up the next morning as he was on his phone. "Hey baby.." I kissed his lips. "Hey uhm about that. I hope you won't take this the wrong way but I'm not looking for something serious.." Melo looks at me. I froze. "Oh uhm... I understand." I took a deep breath. "Hey Hey..'re very beautiful and funny and any guy is very blessed to have you. But I can't commit." He looks in my eyes. "No no... I understand. I- uhm had fun. It's nothing really." I said still a bit shocked. "We can still be cool?" He kissed my cheek. I faked grin at him. "Yeah we are ..." He tried to kiss my neck to start something again but i stopped him. "I'll just go get my stuff." I sighed. "Lemme drive you home." He says getting up. "I can just called Uber.." I told him. "Hell nahh let me take you home." He demands me. So he takes me home. "I don't like how you not talking to me anymore..." He said parked in my driveway. "Melo i just want to be loved. I been used way too many times. I'm done being a hoe and ready to settle. Ima respect what you want though. You just like everyone else. But i did have fun." I sighed getting out the car. He ain't left the driveway until i went inside. Just pathetic.

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