hood story part 2

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Lately Deandre has been leaving me and my gang alone. I should be happy but I wasn't feeling it at all. I can't even argue without him coolin down. DE NEVERS COOLS DOWN IN OUR ARGUMENT! I was taking out my trash and I seen him smoking his joint with his goons. YN comes out with a jar of Kool aid for all his goons. "Thank you mamas." He kisses her. She walks back inside. Then me and De made eye contact. Then the goons looked at me. I nodded my head as De did back. YN comes back and sits on De's lap. She did look good. I tried not to look at her too long. I shook my head and went inside.

*few week later*

I needed to borrow some "sugar" from De. I knocked on his door.. No answer. "Yoooo man I know you're up." I looked through his dining room and seen no one. I went around to his bedroom window and ain't see nothing until I seen YN and De coming out from the shower. "Deandre stop omg!" She chuckled as De tries to tickle her. "You shouldn't had say that shit in the shower." "I mean you don't think it's true?" She asks as she lays down. "I mean we can fight this shit right now!" He says bringing his face closer to her. His chain on her chest. I gasped. I tried to stop the love making to happen by knocking louder. "GAWDAMNN!!" I heard De. De opens the door with his towel on. "Fuck you want?" He yells at me. "I need some sugar." I told him. "You can't wait till tomorrow?" He growls. "Nah i can't starve." I said to him. He rushes to give me the sugar. Just as he closes the door, I stopped the door. "Melo what the fuck you want?" He barks. "I need milk too." I lied. "Brah how the fuck you ain't got milk?" De gets the milk for me. "Thank you De, that's all have a good night." I said slowly walking away. He then closes the door. I stopped and went to see them by their bedroom window.

My ex...really fucking with De. Damn... What the fuck? I can't be jealous..."FASTER DE FASTER!" I heard. I watched as he fucks her. I wasn't horny nahh none of that. Just sad. Jealous... angry...

So the next day.

"Get all your boys and mfs!! We shooting them goons TONITE!! I hate seeing them happy as fuck." I stood from my chair. "Tonight we charge at them." I said going into the back and grabbing my lucky gun. So that's what we did. We went to his house. Started shooting everything. YN was home. She was screaming dunking by the kitchen. "DE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! Go check by the bathrooms." I pointed to my gang. They checked and saw nothing. I went up YN and grabbed her. "WHERES YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND?!" "MELO...PLEASE..." She whines. Tears coming out her eyes. "Don't booohoo cry to me bitch where is he!" I asked her. "I DONT KNOWWW!! DONT HURT MEEE OR HIM PLEASE!!" She kept crying. "He's not here Melo." One of my gang members says. I looked back at her and then at my gang. "You're lucky i ain't kill your ass." I threw her on the floor. "Let's go!" I walked out the house.

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