Masked part 1

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Melo POV

"MELO GET UP PLEASE!!! MELOOOOO!!! YOU MONSTER! Mommy is here..." The sirens went off and after everything was a blurr..

*weeks later*

"The mask should cover up his mask until it's healed. For now he needs to take his meds and put on some prescribed ointment to heal it overtime. We'll let you know when it's time to take the mask off." The doctor said as she grab the mask. "Here you go Melo. You'll be wearing this for awhile now." She grins at me. "Thank you so much doctor!" Mom shakes the doctor hands. "Anything for you guys. I'm sorry about what happened to him and his dad." The doctor lost her grin.

In elementary school, the kids laughed at me. I known for the freak. So i sat alone and played by myself everyday. I scared people away...maybe i'm ugly.

"Mom, am I ugly?" I look at her as she puts the ointment on my scar. She stops and looks at me. "Ugly? Who is calling you ugly?" She asks me. "Everyone..." I sniffed from me crying. "Baby the world is an evil place...don't let these peoples words break you down. If you believe them then you won't make out understand me boy?" My mama grabs my face. I nod my head. She kissed my forehead and hugs me. "I love you Melo!" "I love you too mama."

*the next day*

"Alright kids we have a new student that's joining the class. This is YN!" YN was such a pretty girl. She had her pigtails and her little sundress that flows everywhere she walks. But she wouldn't talk to me with this mask on my face. YN was so smart and had such a beautiful smile. As a 5th grader this was a big ass deal for me. At recess, everyone was running around playing but I just sat on the swings. Then I heard a voice. "Hello!" I looked up and it was her. She looked more beautiful closer. "You want me to swing you?" She asked me. "Uh.."  I didn't know what to say. "Come on, it'll be fun!" She smiles at me. She went behind me and pushed me on the swing. This was the most fun I had...EVER! With the girl of my dreams. We played everywhere. "So what's your name?" YN asks me. "Lamelo or Melo for short." I spoke under the mask. "That's a cool name. I love your mask can I see under?" She tried to pull off the mask. "HEYY! I have a big scar on my face. I'm a monster!! I yelled at her covering my face with my arms. She smiles at me. "'s ok! I'll see one day but I hope we can become best friends!" She holds my hands. I didn't know how to feel.. This is definitely the girl of my dreams. We hung out together almost all the time! During lunch, recess, dismissal, snack time, you name it!

"Melo who's that little girl i seen? She's very pretty!" My mom asks as we were eating dinner. "That's YN! She's my best friend!"I smiled at her. "I'm happy you found a friend!" My mom smiles. All was going well until...
(few months later)

"Melo...the girls told me I can't hangout with you anymore. They told me things in which I don't believe but they won't let me chill with them anymore because i hang out with you at school. But we can maybe hang out after school? If you like. I still like you Melo." She holds my hands. My emotions were all over the place. YN was my everything and she just let that shit go? "YOURE LIKE THE REST! YOU THINK IM A MONSTER TOOOOO! YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!! I WILL LET EVERYONE SEEE THE BAD SIDE OF MEEEEE!" I pushed her on the ground and ran off. I hid under the playground bench where I can see the girls in the distance helping her get up. She was crying but she couldn't find me nowhere. Ever since then I became a "monster". After that day, "MELO NO RECESSS FOR 20 MINUTES!" "GO TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE!!" "IM CALLING YOUR MOTHER!!" "YOURE SUSPENDED FOR A WEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!" "PUT YOUR HANDS UPPPP!! LET HIM GO!!!"

I guess I am a monster..

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