the rebound part 2

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So I was having a girls night with Callie and her friends. We were discussing about her birthday party coming up this weekend. "Ok so let me know what costume yall getting because i don't want yall wearing the same ones ok?" Callie says getting the bowl of chips. Just then someone calls her phone. "Ugh! Melo keeps calling me..." Callie rolls her eyes. He keeps asking about YN... Then all the girls started getting all hyped up with me. "I do no like him anymore. I respect his decision so ima let him be." I shrugged. "I know that's right!" Mariah says as all the girls agreed. "Hello? Melo leave me alone bro!! Yeah she's here..."!Callie looks at me. "No she don't want you Melo. GOOOODBYEEE!!" She hangs up. "You need to talk to him..." Callie looks at me. "Bro.. he said what he said. I'm just vibing." I shrugged. So me and the gals continued our sleepover. We was eating, shaking ass, and spilling more tea. "So YN...if you don't Melo then who you want?" Remy says sipping her wine. "Not crushing on anyone right now." "Ouuuu you know who look good with?" Kelly said. She sits next to me and shows me. "This my brother's homeboy. I can definitely put you on.." She smiles at me. "Oh uhm sure." I shrugged. So she gave me his insta. I followed him and he surprisingly followed back.

*the day of the party*

*the day of the party*

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*your costume*

"Here you guys go!" I handed people drinks. "Hey Marcus just came in with his crew." Remy was dressed as a sexy velma. She points at the group of guys walking in the party. Marcus was the leader.


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"Ouuu he's cute as hell!" I told her. "But watch out for him and Kelly. Apparently...Marcus is also Kelly's ex and shes been with him for 3 years. They probably still like each other." I stared at Kelly as she hugs Marcus. "Look I'll be right back but see what's going on." Remy walks away. I took a deep breath. I started walking again serving drinks. "YN?" I turned seeing Melo all dressed up. "Oh hey Melo." I waved at him. "I get no hug?" He shrugs. I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug. "How you been? I been tryna get a hold of you but you wanna go MIA." He explains. "I been doing my own thing." I told him. "So you never free on any day?" He raises his eyebrows. "Look you wanna know the truth? I been stepping away from you because of the night of the first date. You said you ain't want something serious but yet you wanna fuck the shit out of me...Now excuse me... i have to serve drinks." I started walking around him but he grabs my waist. "Mamas listen, how bout when this joint is finish we talk about what happened that night and we can still hangout together?" Melo begs. "Melo please..." I let him go. "YN, come on please.." He pulls me closer. "Melo..." I rolled my eyes. "HEY MOTHERFUCKA LEAVE HER ALONE!" A guy with big arms pushed Melo. "I AINT BOTHERING HER!" Melo pushes the guy again. I turned seeing it was Marcus. "Melo please..." I pushed him away. "MAYBE YOU GOTTA LEARN THAT SOME PEOPLE DONT WANT YOU! ESPECIALLY AN NBA PLAYER!" Marcus yells. They were attracting attention from everyone. Melo makes the first swing. Then Melo's people and Marcus' crew were fighting back and forth. Then there was gunshots firing. We all dunk and headed to the exist. I ran by Remy's car. I started panting looking around. Remy comes by her car seeing me. "Oh my goodness! Are you ok??" Remy asks me. "Yes girl I'm okay...are you ok??" I asked her too. "GIRL YOU SEE IM ALIVE!! Come on let's go home before the cops come." Remy gets in her car. I hopped in the passenger seat as she starts the car. "I can't believe Marcus and Melo fought. I sighed. I seen! What the fuck even happened?" She asks. "Melo was trying to talk to and I guess Marcus seen it happening." I answered. THEY FIGHTING OVER YOU???? NO WAY!!!! Remy jumps in her seat. This is exciting!!! Remy drops me home. I went insta and we made it to the Shaderoom. No fuckin way.

*the next day*

I called Remy and Callie to check on them. They both were alright but Callie was pissed because they ruined her birthday party. "We can definitely make it up!" I told her. No this is bullshit! I'm never bringing them fuckers back!" Callie yells at us. "Look Callie it has already happened and it's nothing we can do about the past but we can make it up somehow." I suggested. Bro look I gotta go. Callie hangs up. I wish we could have done something to cheer her up. Then my doorbell rings. I went to go get it. I opened the door seeing him. "Marcus? What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I just wanted to check on you." He smiled showing his grillz. "Well I'm ok.." I chuckled. "Look I'm sorry for whatever happened last night. It's immature of me and my boys to do." He then eyes me. "You should apologize to Callie. She's pissed as hell." I said. "Who?? OHHHH!! Birthday Gal! Yeah..that's fine. I'll send her like 5k or something." He shrugs. "So you just balling like that?" I folded my arms. "Shit..I'm THEE Marcus. Don't play with me and my money. But i did come to apologize to you though. Homie was bothering you so I had do something. You too beautiful to be bothered up like that.." He smiles again. "Oh Marcus stop." I started blushing. "Look lemme take you out tonight..then we can chill at my crib. Or you just wanna chill at my crib or yours.. It don't matter to me." He continues. I mean free food i guess. "How about you take me out and we can watch a movie or something at your place." I said. "Bet!! Lemme get yo numba and i'll text you. And here's 7k." He hands me 7k in cash. "I don't want this Marcus." I handed back to him. "Buy something pretty. I know you already beautiful." He gives me the money again then starts walking away. I closed the door and got excited. Shit the mall closes in a few hours.. I GOTTA GO!

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