the next door neighbor part 3

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-5 years later-

I am healing. After my recovery i was sent to rehab to help with my addiction. I knew i couldn't go back to those days. It was a journey. But the goal was to distract myself from all of the pain. YN? You might be wondering what happened to her? Well she moved out from the apartment. We haven't spoke since my ex was in my apartment. I told myself to forget her but i can't. She's always gonna my baby. I can't forget how soft her skin was. How her hair flowed. The way she laughs at my jokes. The concern look when she's worried about me. GOD I MISS HER. I did do a lil digging on her instagram and facebook. She's still single and bought herself a house close by her family. I'm not sure where she lives though. And i found it! She's still in LA.

Gyming is all i do. I worked out with my brothers until the sun went down. I was trying to find a job as a trainer but for now i helped my mom at the vet. "Hello Shelly, here for a check up for Mr. Hunter?" I started typing in my computer. "Yessir! He's been very grumpy lately." Shelly shakes her head. "My mom will fix that right up. Give her like 8 minutes." As Shelly sits down another patient comes in. "Hello! How can i help you?" I said. I have an appointment with Dr. Ball. "I hope i'm not late my daughter is parking the car." "What's your name?" "Norla (Your last name)." I froze and looked up. "Repeat-that again?" I asked again. "Norla (Your last name)."  No way this is her mom. I mean her last name may be common  so it's no biggie. I write her name down in the system and she has a cat. "What's wrong wit the cat?" "He has something under his paw but he won't let us see it." She explains. "Okay can i see your ID?" I asked her. She reach in her pocket but it seems empty. "Oh crap i think i left it in the car." Just then... "Mom! you forgot your wallet in the car." I heard a familiar voice. It can't be. "Oh thank you!! Here you go." It was YN. Finer than ever. "YN.." I slowly got up. She freezes. "La-Lamelo..." She stutters. "It's been 5 years. I didn't think I'll ever see you again.." I walked up to her. "Me either." She slowly grins. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "Melo what's taking you so long...Oh my goodness.. that's gotta be YN." My mom grins. "He knows my daughter??" "Yes.. it's a very long story." "I uhm would still like to do the appointment." Her mom scratches her head. "Oh uhm right this way..." I said guiding her to my mom's office. I sat down at my reception desk area and kept making eye contact with her. It was so hard not to look. I can't believe she's still alive and still here and she's so gorgeous! "So how are things?" She asks me from a distance. "Oh uhm nothing really just working out and chilling with my family. I do live with them now ever since the situation happened." I told her as i leaned back my chair. "That's cool. I recently moved into my first ever home. Plus i'm closer to family." She smiles. "That's so cool! Are you working?" "I did finish school and I got to work at a pediatric office." "Wait the one by Sunset Street? We're not too far from each other." I told her. "Yeah we're not.." We had an awkward moment again.


He's gotten finer than before. But the guilt i feel around him makes me suffer more. Ugh what's taking my mom so long. I went on my phone and started texting my co worker. She's the receptionist at my job. We've been friends for a few weeks and i told her about my Melo story and the reason for moving out. I told her that i seen him again. She told me to try to get closer to him. I sighed and looked at him again and i caught him staring at me. I awkward smiled. And he casually smiled at me. "Alright! Who's next?" Melo's mom said as my mom walks up to me. "Gavin is all better now! Isn't that right baby!!??" She pets him. "Alright! Let's go! I have work in a few hours." "It was nice to meet you Melo!" My mom shakes his hands. "Same here Mrs. (YLN)." He smiles at my mom. "I'll see you later YN?" He shakes my hand. "Yeah visit my office sometime.." I smiled. We went to my mom's car and help her with Gavin. "Who's that boy? He's very handsome sweetie!" "That's Lamelo. He was my next door neighbor when i lived in my apartment." I told her. "OHHHH THATS HIM???!!!!! He's so hot!! I definitely see you guys together." My mom kept going as she drives off the lot. "Mom, please! We're just cool." I tell her. She drops me off my house as I get ready for work. He maybe have feelings for another girl anyways. I'm just tryna get this money and be myself. I got freshen up and got ready. I sighed as i looked at myself in the mirror. I called an uber to go to work and arrived to work.  "Hey hey girl!" Teresa gets up and hugs me. This the co-worker i'm talking about. I told her everything. "Hey T what's going on?" I asked her. "Same ole. But tell me about Melo! I'm going to have to tell you when we go on break." I chucked as i went to go get my clipboard. I worked for a straight 7 hour shift. It was finally my break. I went to the clock in machine and pressed the break button. Just as i walked in the reception area. "Yn.. hey.."  "Melo? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I usually clock out at this time and i had some free time so I wanted to come check on you." He smiles. "Well im going on break now you want to grab something to eat?" I asked him. "Yeah sure!You gotta whip?" He asks me. "No sadly." "Come on mama let's get in my car." He lends his hands towards me. I look back at Teresa and she nervously grins at me. I grabbed his hands and followed him to the car. We were catching up. We finished eating and we walked back to my job. "Thank you again for lunch." I smiled. "Yeah it's no problem. You got a ride after work?" He asks me. "No i usually take the last bus of the night." I chuckled. "How bout u come drop you off. I promise it's for free." He laughs. "Oh sure! I finish work at 11." I told him. "I'll see you later then." He hugs me. As we ended the hug we started to hold hands. I slowly break away as I went back to Teresa. "Heyyy!! How was lunch?" Teresa asks as she was on her desktop. "It was fun! We did a lot of catching up. He's such an amazing guy." I grinned excitedly.  "Mmmm that's cool. Uhm you have some patients waiting on you by the way." She points to the row of kids. "Oh shoot! Gotta run!" I quickly clocked back in and started working again. I kept thinking about during work. Oh i'm so scared of falling for him again. It was finally 10:50 and I went out my office and seen that Teresa and Melo were talking. "Oh i didn't know you were here already?" I broke their conversation. Melo nervously fixed himself. "Uh yeah i didn't want to run late. I hope that's not a problem." He said. "Uhm no that's fine. I'll see you later T." I waved at her. "Have a goodnight you guys!" She grins. We walked to Melo's car and he opens the door for me. "Thank you." "Anything for you mamas." He winked. My heart started beating fast. He gets in the car and starts the engine. "You ready to go?" He glances at me. "Yup..." I nervously grinned.


She shows me where her house is and I parked in front of her driveway. "You got a nice house!"

Giveon started playing. "Oh thank you!" She chuckled. "YN... why did you move?" I awkwardly asked. "I came back from the hospital and everything was gone." I looked at her. She was playing with her fingers. "Uhm you want to know the truth." I can tell she was nervous and was holding it in for too long. "When Zo told me to call 911 for you that night I was scared... I knew you were miserable.. I knew you were going through a lot with not only us but with family and personal stuff too.. When they finally opened the door. I seen you gone. You looked like hell. They finally put you in the hospital and you were in the ICU. I seen you on the hospital and your hands felt so cold and stiff. I hated to see you like this. I started crying and tried to run out the hospital room but i bumped into your family checking on you. So everyday i felt guilty for what happened." She started sniffling. "I moved away so I wouldn't think about you everyday and continue my dreams. I'm sorry for everything Melo. I'm soooo sorry." She cried on my shoulder. "Heyy heyyy mamas it's ok! Look I'm ok! I'm alive and i'm well. None of my past problems was caused by you. I promise. You're least of my problems." She lift her head up. "Really?" She mumbled. "Yes baby." I wiped her tears with my two thumbs. "I missed you so much Lamelo. She smiled. I missed you too Mamas." We hugged it out. "Have a good night Melo." She waved to me. "Goodnight beautiful." I waved back.

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