Step Dad? Part 1

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"Let's go let's go yall!" My coach yells as we practice shooting the ball. Today is our game and we all are preparing. The cameras are in our face and i'm just doing me. Just then.."LAMELO LAMELO LAMELO!!" I turned around to a kid running to me. A little boy. "Hey little man...Where is your mom?" Just then his mom comes running towards him. "Frank what did I tell you??" She says holding his hands. She looks up at me. "Oh my gosh you're Lamelo Ball.. I'm sorry for Frank. He's a big fan!" She laughs. Frank's mom was so beautiful.

Her outfit

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Her outfit

She has this smile that warms my heart and her body looking good. "You guys want a picture or something?" I asked him. "Oh yes please!" His mom takes a picture of us. "Oh that's sooo cuteee!" She smiles. "Come on Frank let's go watch the game. Thank you again. Mr. Ball."She says. "Just call me Melo." I watched as she went to her seat. She was all the way in the back. The game started. I was scared we'll lose again for the 3rd time. I sighed as I went to my spot.

I went back to my seat. "Frank what did I say??" I told him. "Sorry mommy.." he says. "It's ok but let's enjoy the game." Throughout the game it looks like Melo kept looking at me. I could be tripping. His team was losing but the Melo came with a rebound. We all got up cheering. His team won that night. The streak begins. Me and Frank stopped at the bathroom since he had to go. So we basically were the last ones in the building. "Hurry we gotta catch the bus." I said holding his hands. I looked at my phone. "MOMMY MOMMY ITS LAMELO!" He points at him. I guess Melo heard cause he looked up when he heard his name. He waved at us. "You guys need a ride?" He asks us. "YESSSS YESSSS!" Frank yells getting up. "Franklin baby wait..." I followed him. He was just so jumpy. I tried to calm him down. "MOMMY WE ARE GOING TO RIDE WITH LAMELO COME ON!!" He pulls my arms. "Uhh..well do you mind?" I looked up at Melo. Not really...come on!" He smiles at me. So we rode with him. "You're from here?" He asks me. "Not really... we live 1 hour away from here. My homegirl gave us tickets for Franklin's birthday." I chuckled. "That's sweet of her. I wish I had a friend like that. Oh I didn't get your name..?" He says. "I'm YN and Yeah it's rare to get one that you can trust." I shook my head laughing. "Im assuming you're married." He looks at me. "No..uhm Im not. Just a single mom who lives in a one bedroom apartment. I just try to do my best for me and Franklin." I sighed looking down at my fingers. "Wait so where you work at?" He asks. "You ask so much questions. But I work at Mcdonald's. Close by Franklin's school. I walk to his school then my job, back to his school to pick him up or he walks to my job then we go home after my shift. I feel like I'm saying too much." I laughed at myself. "Noooo it's ok. I enjoy talking to you." He smiles. "Oh he was so fine! Plus my whole outfit looked so trash." I smiled at him too. Franklin fell asleep in the backseat. We finally arrived to my home. "Let me help you with Franklin." He says getting out the car. He carries him with his big arms. I showed him my bed and he lays Frank down. I kissed Franklin's forehead as I tuck him to sleep. "Thank you so much for the ride. It was cool meeting you." I said as we go out the apartment. "It was nice meeting you too YN." He leans on the wall. "I have work tomorrow so i need to catch some sleep. I'm assuming you too so goodnight Melo. Drive safe ok?" I said as I kiss his cheek. His face turns red. "I will. "He smirks. I went back inside and went to sleep.

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