My Sex Therapy

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"So you can't come over?" Byron says holding my hands. "Leave me alone you're annoying. Thank God we're over!" I let go of my hands from his. "You make me a better person YN! Now I'm shit... please take me back!" He whines. "Say that to your new bitch Tati." I said rolling my eyes. "PLEASE!!! I'm on my kneees!!" He went on his knees. "Goodbye..Byron." I went to my locker and my besties Gabe and Naddy approached me. "Gabe that's a dumb ass stripper name." Nad laughs. "DropItLockIt is a fuckin hawt name bitch!" Gabe rolls his eyes at her. "And oh ny gosh is Mr. Cheater still begging you back??" Gabe changes the topic. "Yeah but he did so much shit to break me down. I'm not going back." I rolled my eyes. "You don't deserve his ass aren't you linking with Melo tonight?" We all glanced at him talking to his basketball friends by the lockers. "He is so fineeeee I'd let him ram me. If he was gay..." Gabe shrugged. "Yesss and I heard the dick was good according to the girls in the locker room." Nad continues. "I don't know if I'm ready..this is THE MELO BALL! The other guys I've been with weren't as high class as Melo." I said. "First off girl it's only been with 2 guys and Second..From both of those boys, they never be forgetting what you be putting down in the sheets." Gabe looks at me. "Yeahhh it's like some therapy thing or something. Where you just talk to them about how they feel and then you give them that eye contact that goes for the kill." Nad says. "I can't ask them about their day? As I am fuckin them?" I snap back. "No one does that shit..." Gabe shakes his head. "OMG THERE HE GOES NOW!!" Nad shakes us as Melo walks towards me. "Hey still coming to my place to chill right?" He smirks. Ouuu he looks so good but girl keep your cool. "Yeah I'm still down.." I smiled. "Ight then, see you later then." He walks off with his crew. "Girl please tell me about the dick.." Gabe says. "Yess and the nicknames he calls you as he's insidee!!" Nad squeals. "Y'all are weird! But i'll see y'all tomorrow." I said closing my locker.


I fixed myself and sprayed my best perfume I had. I put something comfortable and drove to his house. His home was big. I rang the doorbell and his mom answers. "OH HELLO! You must be Melo's friend.. he does have a lot of female friends." She giggled. "Come in! Melo's in his room." She grins. I came in looking around. "Let me knock on his door.." She says going upstairs. "You can come up sweetie don't be shy." She smiles. Melo swings the door wide open. "FUCK!!" He yells. "Melo are you ok?" His mom says. "I'm good mom just this damn game." He rolls his eyes. "Well your friend is here and I'm going to your grandma's house. Be safe and call if anything." She waved us a bye. She finally leaves and it's just me and him. You can come in. "You look good as hell." He grins at me. "Lemme get a hug.." he leans in for hug. I hugged him by neck as he does on my waist. "Damn smell goood." He then starts kissing my neck. It felt so good but then I can feel his body very tense. "Melo ... melo." I stopped him. "You alright? You feel tense.." I looked at him. "What do you mean?" He says. "Your muscles.." I said feeling them. "They're too tense. You're holding onto something. How bout we talk about it?" I grinned. "What the fuck? I'm supposed to fuck you.. you not my therapist.." He grunts. "I promise we'll fuck but I wanna fuck you when you're relaxed. Come on.. what's bothering you?" I grabbed his hands as we sit on his bed. It did look like he wanna let it out. "You ever just wish people see you as something different instead of something they want? My mom wants me to become a doctor but that's not me..then it's hard to get a scholarship for the dream college I wanna go to." He sighs as he looks down. I felt his muscles relaxed. "Melo.." I lifted his face. "It's ok to tell your mom...she's a sweet person and she'll understand." I smiled. "But ...?" He tries to say it again but I kiss him. "You're a great guy Melo you don't have to change yourself for someone." I slowly took off my clothes as he watches. "I promise.. you're doing the right thing." I said sitting on top of him. He kept staring at me..just like Byron when I did the same for him. "So you still wanna fuck?" I asked him. He bites his lips as we make contact. "I'm gonna fuck you so good." He whispers. We kiss as I take off his clothes. I don't mind not getting head from a guy but when a guy is feeling stress I gotta give it to him. I sit next to him and started playing with his dick not breaking the kiss. I spit on it as i'm still playing with it. I went down and did my work. He was groaning so loudly I covered his mouth. He busts a nut 12 minutes after and I got up to kiss him. He lays me on my back. "You gon be a good girl me ok?" He says to me. I grinned at him as he opens my legs. He kisses and then I felt his dick inside off. I couldn't help but moan. He did his strokes. "Oh you feel so good dadddy!!" I moaned at him. He kisses my neck as I put my hands on his face. He then kissed me again. But his strokes went fast. "YEAA YEAH OH FUCK!!" I yelled. I made my ugly faces as he did to. "You're so pretty mama!" He grins at me. We kept making contact. Until he was done with this position. We kissed and went to another. He carries me on his bed counter and kissed me once more. He lifts my legs and sticks his dick inside. They were not wrong bout how good he does it. He kissed me so many times I lost count and he broke eye contact with me.. I hold his tatted arms as he kept going. "OH MY GOSH!! FUCKKK!!" I whined. "Fuck your pussy feels so good.." He whispered. "It's all yours ... ITS ALL YOURS!!" I said still looking. He smiles at my word play and slows down. "This pussy is really mine mama?" He chuckled. "Only if you want it to be.." I smirked at him. I grabbed him by the chain kissing him. The last position was riding him. So I grind on him. "Awww Shit."'He groans. He holds my waist. I took my time riding him. Then he sits up as he still seductively stares. "I love the way you ride my dick mama." He says. I leaned in to kiss him. But then he hugs my low back with both of my arms and fucks me deeper, faster, and harder. "OHH IM GOING TO CUMMN!!" I screamed. We both cummed and then we kissed the last time. I hate finishing last so I kissed as I play with his dick until it came on my hands again. "Fuckkkkkk!" He leans back on his back. I licked his cum out my hand as he watches it. "Oh you're so nasty.." He says to me. "You like this nasty don't you?" Mhm.. i kissed him. I chuckled at him.

*the next day*

"HE FELT SO GOOOOD YALLL! After i talked to him, we fucked and he was saying these things to me and the way he feels. Ughhh.. I wanna do it again." I told my friends. "Ughh you're so lucky! I wanna be you so bad." Gabe whines. "Yeah the way he plays damn basketball. All sweaty and shit!!! "Naddy continues. "Hey what's going on over there?" I pointed. Just then i seen Byron and Melo fighting. Everyone surrounded them as they were getting at it. The principal stopped everything after. "YOU TWO COME WITH ME!!" The principal walks them to her office. Just as they walk past me, they both stared at me. My friends looked at me. "Girl i think you're the target." Gabe says to me.

*later that day*

I went to his house just to check on him. He opens the door with his basketball shorts. "YN.." His face lights up. " alright? What happened at school?"
I asked him. "I really don't want to talk about it..." He sighs. "We are gonna talk about this." I said coming in his house. We went to his room and sat on his bed. "Talk to me. Is it your mom?" I asked. "Nah..she's fine with my basketball career. It's you..." He says. I froze a little. "Me?" I asked. "Yes.. I fought for you." He looks at me. "Me? Why?" I asked. "After last night, the talk.. the sex... you... I just couldn't get you off my mind. You're not like any girl i messed with. And when i seen Byron going towards you..i got mad." He fidgets with his hands. "I ain't mean to get physical on homie. Now i'm suspended from the team and maybe i won't get a scholarship." He takes a deep breath. "I'm so sorry Melo..." i sighed. "I really don't know what to say." I continued. "At this moment how bout we get to know each other and actually go out. I really like you for real. "He says bluntly. What about your basketball... "I get cut off. "Mama, I'm serious.. It's all about you." He grabs my hands. I looked at our hands then him. "We can try." I told him. He gets all excited and hugs me. "I promise you! You'll like it here!"

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