The reporter

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"LAMELO WITH THE 3! AND THE BUZZER GOES OFF!! Hornets WINN!" Everyone started cheering and goin crazy. I got myself ready to interview any player for the Hornets. All of them kept passing me. These players were tall as hell. They all were tumbling me over. I tripped over the sweaty court but then someone caught me. "Woah now you almost fell there." The guy says. I got up and saw who helped me. "Lamelo.." I said. "Y/N? Is that you?" Melo asks me. "Oh my gosh you recognize me.." I said to myself. Melo was looking good all sweaty and shit. "Uhm yeah that's me. I'm a news reporter now." I nervously smiled. "That's amazing. "Uhm can I interview you?" I asked him. "Go ahead." He smiles. I got my camera crew and asked him questions. The way he was staring at me made me all kinds of nervous. "Thank you Lamelo and congratulations on your play tonight." I ended the interview. "I have to go to my locker room. You wanna maybe meet up again tomorrow? Maybe we can catch up." He suggested. I cant say no to that offer. I nod my head. "Great! How about tomorrow? I'll pick you up." He says to me. "I'll be ready!" I smiled. We exchanged numbers and he went back to the locker room. "Fuck what am I gonna wear?"

* at home*

"LAMELO BALL???" My mom yells at me. She was behind me as I look for an outfit. "Mom yes for the last time. And don't embarrass me. Please." I looked at her. "I promise. Shoot let me find my jersey!" My mom yells going to her room. "MOM!"

*the next day*

"Mom how do I look?" I asked her

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"Mom how do I look?" I asked her. "OH MY BABY! You look beautiful." She smiles at me. "Look at me!" She had her Melo jersey on. "MOM WHAT DID I SAY?" I whine. "It's just a first impression..calm down." She brushes me off. The doorbell rings. "OH MY GOSH ITS HIM!" I whispered. I fixed myself and open the door.

"Hey!" I greeted him

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"Hey!" I greeted him. "Hey Y/N! you look amazing." He hugs me. "Thank you." I smiled. "LAMELO!!"  My mom yells from the background. She ran and hugs him. Melo hugs her back slowly. "Mom let go of him." I pull her back. "Sorry about my mom she's a HUGE fan." I chuckled. "Shall we go?" I asked him. "Yeah let's go." We went in his car and zoomed out. We ended up going to the fair. We played a lot of arcade games and went on a lot of rides. We then went for ice cream. "You got a little chocolate on your lips." I wiped it off him. We both started laughing.

"So that's all you wanted to do? Do reports?" He asks me as we walk by the beach. "Yeah I may be shy but it's just interesting to me." I smiled. "Wow that's crazy. I didn't know you liked it so much. So tell me why were you always so quiet? Even in our class. You never spoke to me at all." He asks me. "You were the jock of the school. I don't think you'll get my attention anyways." I shrugged. "What makes you say that?" He asks. "I mean you never spoke to me either." I answered. "Surprised you even know I exist." I laughed. "Ok now you're doing too much." He laughs. I looked at him and he looks at me. We just had this moment where it felt like the two of us. I snapped out. "Let's go home it's getting late." I said as I walk off. He follows me in the car. "You want to see how fast this car can go?" He looks at me. "Melo...please..." I looked at him with fright. He pressed the gas and zoomed out. I was getting too scared I started holding his arms and hands covering my face.

I was trying not to catch feelings for her. She was just perfect. How can I forget her when she was my high school crush? She was holding my arms and hands from how fast my car went. I did drifts and sharp turns. "MELOOO!!" She yells covering her face. I made a complete stop at her house. "Did we stop?" She asked still cover herself. "Yes we're home." I laughed. She slowly let go of my arms. "I thought I died." She said chuckling. "I made sure you're safe." I looked at her. "Well I had fun today."She smiles. "I did too." I replied. "I have to go to work tomorrow so we'll probably bump into each other again?" She asks getting her bag. "Maybe.." I smiled. "Goodnight Melo.." She kissed my cheek. All I did was smile. She walks out the car and goes back home.  I couldn't help but stare. GAWWWDAAMMNN!

*the next day*

Mom got sick today so I had to call off from work just to take care of her. I was mad because today was a press conference with the players and I had important ass questions to ask. So I was pouring soup for my mom, Melo was getting asked questions. My co worker Jane asked him a question. "How are you keeping up with relationships and your career?" He went silent for a second. "Me and Y/N ... I mean...I mean her..I mean.." Then the press went crazy with the questions. Mostly about me and him. Me and mom looked at the screen then each other. Shocked as hell. I can't believe he said my name. Everyone kept saying my name in questions they wanted to ask him. "HEY HEY ENOUGH QUESTIONS!" His coach yells at the press then it just went straight to commercial. "YN! WHAT THE HELL DID YALL DO YESTERDAY?" My mom yells at me. "We just hung out nothing more." I sat on the couch zoning out. "I can't believe it. You think he likes me?" I looked at my mom. "Yeah definitely!" My mom said in a scratchy voice.

*next week*

It was their last game. His team were in the lead. I couldn't stop staring at him. star like me? I kept looking until the buzzer went off and his team won the finals. "WHEW!" Everyone was cheering. Confetti blew everywhere. Everyone was hugging each other, dabbing everyone. I rushed with my camera guy to Melo where he was laughing with a teammate. "LAMELO BALL WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GAME! HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" I asked him. "I FEEL GREAT! Everyone did what they had to do and it just felt amazing." He smiles. "So what's your plan tonight to celebrate!?" I asked him. He looks at me the leans in to kiss me. I couldn't help but kiss back. Everyone started cheering in the back. I put my hands on his face then we stopped. I was in shock. "I want to celebrate with you tonight.." He smiles at me. I'm still shocked. "Uhm..I'm YN and we'll see you next time.." I looked at the camera. Melo waves at the camera as it goes to commercial. "Melo..?" I looked at him. "Look I like you ok? Yes I said your name in the interview but it was just because I was thinking of you at the time. The time we spent together made me think about you all the time. I love you YN!"

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