going pro part 2

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AJ POV ❤️‍🩹
*weeks later*

"Mama I'm worried about her. She's alone and pregnant by herself at the house." I said to my mom as I watch her cook dinner. "Why don't you check on her tomorrow? This is kind of serious." She says to me. "Naw I gotta check her now." I said getting up. "Wait what about your dinner?" She asks me. "I'll be back." I ran out my house, jumped in my whip, and drove to her apartment. I parked by her apartment and got out the car and went upstairs. I walked up her door. "leave me alone.." I heard her low voice. "It's me Aj." I said to her. "LET ME BE ALONE...this baby and I don't want to live no more!" My eyes opened as I was scared what she may do. "Y/N!" I kept knocking. "Don't do anything!" I tried pushing the door open using my shoulders. That didn't work. So I just kicked the door. The door swings open. I see her trying to drink all of these pills. "Y/N!!!" I ran to her and kicked the pills out her hands. She looked miserable. She was crying all week and she smelt awful. She was at her lowest point. She then started crying more. I hugged her as we both her on the floor. "I hate my life." She muffled on my shoulders. "Look you're gonna stay with me until further notice ok?" I said wiping her tears.

"I have no family that wants to claim me. Melo was my only family." She says to my whole family. "I have no one.. All I have is my baby." She mumbled. "We will make you right at home." My dad says to her. And that's we did. She slept me with me and having her as a roommate is amazing. We got to do things she never done. Like Parenting yoga and candle making. It's like we became best friends. The more I hanged with her the more I was into her. It felt weird but I couldn't help it. "I like you Y/N." I said to her as we were getting ready for bed. "Awe I like you too! I love hanging out with you." She jumps on the bed. "No..like I want you to be mine." I looked at her. She was in shock. "You know I'm a freak and all but when you came in my life. You changed me. You made me feel like a better person. Plus my family love you already. I'll help you take care of the baby and maybe we can raise a family of our own one day. But I just want you to be mine." I explained. "Would you be my girl?" I asked her. She responds with her holding my hands. I looked at her as she was nodding. She hugs me then kisses me. "Woah now.. remember when I said I was a freak?" I said to her. "Oh right sorry." She laughs.

As her man my priority is to protect her. Even from the guy who changed her. "Babe ready to go?" She asks me as I look at the Hornet game. I kept looking at Melo..I snapped out from watching the tv. "What were you watching?" She asks me. "It's nothing girl, let's go." I said as I hold her hands. Once again I had to protect her. We were staying at the hospital since the baby boy was coming soon.

*In the room*

Me and her were just laying on each other

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Me and her were just laying on each other. "I know you  were watching The game." She says out the blue. "Then why would you ask that question?" I asked her. "Just wanted to see what you'd say. You're really tryna hide me from him huh?" She laughs. "Hell yeah! After what he's done to you just so he can be in the damn NBA? Trust me this kid won't see him ever again." I said. "J...he's gonna ask about his dad." She says rubbing my hair. She was right but I ain't want my son..who's not my son know his father left him to go pro.

The doctor told us we just have to wait till the water breaks or feel any type of contractions. I had to eat hospital food. Shit is whack. It was 4am and we were both sleeping. Then I hear "IT BROKKEEE!" I opened my eyes and looked at Y/N. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I started panicking. I opened our door and yelled for a doctor or nurse. A bunch of nurses and the doctor ran in the room. They took her to the delivery room and told me I had to follow them. I was by Y/N side as she was sweating and panting like crazy. "Baby you got this!" I said to her. She squeezes my hands so tight. "Take deep breaths." The doctor says. The doctor opens her legs and prepared everything. "Ok...take a deep breath." He says. "NOW PUSHHH!" Y/N pushes hard as she can. The head was popping out! OMG OMG! KEEP GOING!!!! Pushhhhhhhh!!!! She kept pushing until she heard him crying. A sigh of relief! "Oh my gosh.." She smiles at him. The nurses cleaned him up and did tests on him before we can hold him. I kissed her forehead. "Oh you did it! It's ok relax now!"

We took Duke home few days after. My family loved Duke. Ever since then me and YN had more time together. Going on dates, working, sleeping fully, FUCKIN!!!! I wasn't lying bout that part. Then one day we went on a fancy date, I had to buy her a ring. I was going to be engage her. "This place is so nice Aj.." She smiles at me. "Not as nice as you." I kissed her hands. "Awee baby!" She blushes. When the food arrived, we started eating and then I pulled out the ring. I asked her the big question. Her eyes widened. "YESSSS AJ YESSSS!!" She yells as I put the ring on her finger. She kissed me and hugs me. "I love you Aj." "I love you too." She smiles. After dinner we fucked. She was looking good and I was craving her. We under the covers as I was on top of her. "Ohhhh Aj!!" She gripping on my back as I kiss her neck. She love this dick. She just don't be saying it. "You like that baby?" I whispered. She bit her lips as she nods. I went faster until I climax. I groaned so loud i pray my parents ain't hear me. "I love you baby girl." I said kissing her. "I love you too Aj." She smiles after. We both fell asleep.

*5 years later*

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!!! YAAAAY!!" It's Duke 5th birthday and we threw a party! YN pregnant with my second baby. We made Duke birthday in our backyard where we invited his friends and our family. After he blew the candles, we continued the party as the kids went back in the bouncehouse. "I'm gonna clean little Luna inside ok?" Yn says as she pecks my lips. "Ight baby Ima be here." I smiled. Just then all of these big security guys came inside. Looks like they looking for someone. I was a little confused so I walked up to them. "Hey hey...can I help you guys?" I ask them. "We are looking for YN and her son!" They said. "Why??" I asked. "Lamelo wants to see his son."

*to be continued*

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