My assistant part 2

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Ever since the date, Mr. Ball couldn't stop staring at me. It's weird that i made love to my boss few days ago but we're in a professional setting here. "Mr. Ball you have reports here that you forgot to look at." I bought him his papers. "Mr.Ball? Hello?" Melo kept staring me. I waved to get his attention. Apparently he wasn't zoning out. He was just admiring me? "Why won't you date me?" Melo says randomly. "Are we really gonna talk about this right now?" I shrugged. "I want to be more than just your boss here. I love everything you do. I just want to give you a chance." He whines. "Mr. Ball..Lamelo.. I love to be with you too but when work is in the way.. we can't make nothing work out. I'm not saying i hate you but we need to get work done. Now let me go get your coffee to start the day." He still stares at me in confusion. I froze and looked back. I walked up to him. "Mr. Ball i promise.. we'll hangout next time. You are a sweet soul." I kissed his cheek before walking away. The girls at work gave me a stank look. I ignored them as I get his coffee.

After the date, I can't keep her off my mind. I wasn't wrong about her. She was the perfect person. But after she told me why she wouldn't date me, it makes so much sense. "Heyyyy Lamelo!! I see you've been a bit off track lately." Diana, one of the girl in the office says closing the door. "Yeah it's been a lot but i'll figure it out." I sighed. "Maybe i can cheer you up?" She sits on my lap. "Look Diana, I honestly don't think we should do this..." I looked at her. "What? But you're having a bad day Mr. Ball." She starts feeling my chest. "Diana.. leave me alone." She tried to unbutton my shirt. "DIANA ADAMS!!! LEAVE MY OFFICE NOW!!" I pushed her. She growls at me and leaves the office. "Let me know when you wanna have fun again.." She roll her eyes before closing the door. I facepalm my face. "Is everything ok sir?" The voice i wanna hear everyday says. "Yess my love.." I smiled. "My love?" She chuckled at my comment. "I have your coffee here and the daily news paper. And Mr. John called about the meeting next week." The way she talking turned on. "Is there anything else i can do for you?" She looks at me. "How bout you be mine forever and we live the greatest lives together."  I cornered her to the wall. "Mr. Ball..I told you..." She fixes my tie. "But what am i supposed to do?" I whined. She shrugs and left my office. That night I stared at my Tv screen. Still in my messy work suit. I can't get this girl out my mind... I CANT!  So i called cooperate..

I drank my tea in my sleepwear. I was chilling in my kitchen when all of a sudden, i heard a knock on the door. Who the hell is knocking on my door at 3in the morning?? I went to get it and it was Lamelo. Drenched in sweat and still in his button up shirt.

 Drenched in sweat and still in his button up shirt

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-the sleepwear-
"Mr. Ball???" I was confused. "Baby.. i can't do this anymore.. I can't think straight and you got me feeling some type of way. I want this to work.." He says panting. "Mr. Ball.. you know i can't..." he cuts me off. "You can mamas... you definitely can." He brings me closer as we looked at each other's eyes. We then made out. He carries me to my bedroom and closes the door. His body is on top of mine. He kisses my neck as i moan his name. He kisses my stomach and pulls my panties off. He starts eating me out. This time i tried to push him away but he kept pulling forward. He started going crazy downstairs. "OH MY GOSH MELO!" I can't help but grab his messy hair. He looks up at me knowing what he's doing. "You taste so good mamas..." He mumbles. I felt myself close to coming and i squirted on him and the sheets. "Oh my goodness." I started gasping for air. "You fiesty as hell mamas. I like that." He says before kissing me. He then starts to finger me as we were kissing. "Oh fuck!" I moaned in his ear. "Gotta see how more wet you can get." He pecks my lips. Then he kept going. "OH FUCK!" I moaned louder. I held his face as he kept going. "Yess yesss uhhhh!!" I whimpered. "I know you like that baby... you getting so wet." He says as he kisses me one more time. Then i creampie his fingers making him lick it. We made out until I can feel his dick getting harder. He takes his clothes off and opens my legs. I felt it going in and I gasped. "You ok?" He looks at me. I nodded as he kept going. He did his strokes and i was enjoying every moment of it. He laid on my stomach kissing me as he was fuckin me. His strokes cause me to not kiss back. After all the positions we did i lastly started to ride on him. We were kissing as i was riding him. "Fuck Melo..mmm." I moaned. "MMMMM.. i'm so glad i quit my job for you mamas." He bit his bottom lip. I stopped and looked at him. "YOU WHAT!?" I got off of him. "Come on mamas i still wanna make love." He tried to kiss me again. "Mr. Ball!!! You quit? Why?? YOU CANT DO THIS??" I kept yelling at him. "Look at me..." He quietly says making me focus on him. "First thing... i'm not going say it again... i'm Lamelo not Mr. Ball to. Second..After what you said about us working together is stopping us from being together and from me to make more of a move. I had one choice and quit. No i'll have no problem with money and everything is gonna be fine. I love how worried you are for me. I love when you start panicking, you start saying all these words. I love when we make love, you feel so nice. I love everything you do mamas." He pecks my lips. I don't know what to say. "Unless you don't wanna be with me." He chuckles. "I do...I really do." I kissed him. "Come on let's finish what we started." He kissed my shoulder. "Ok.." I chuckled. I trust what he said. Let's see how dating my boss goes..

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