Step Dad part 2

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"Girl yesss he was so happy! And guess who I bumped into?" I asked my homegirl Jazzy. "Who?" She asks as she counts the money. "Franklin ran down to where Lamelo was and got to talk to him! And girl there's more. We were waiting for the bus and he offered us a RIDEEEE!!" I squealed. "NO WAAAYYYY! Omggg how'd you say bye?"Jazzy asks me. "I kissed his cheek! I HAD TOOO! He was sooo fine. I couldn't help it!" I yelled as we both laughed. "Oh shoot it's 2pm I gotta pick up Franklin. I'll be right back." I smiled. "Tell Jo im coming." I said grabbing my bag. I left then picked him up. He gives me a big hug. "Heyyy rockstar how was school?" I asked him holding his hands. "GOOD!We learned how to subtract big numbers!!" He yells. "THATS AWESOME BABY!" We walked back to my job and I saw a familiar figure. I opened the door and he turned around. "Lamelo?" I said to him. He turns around. "YN..hey."He nervously smiles. "MOOOMMMYYY ITS LAMELO!!!!" He gets all excited again. "Heyyyy Franky how bout I make you a happy meal?" Jazzy says trying to leave us alone. They both walked away. "How bout we get something to eat? On me." He said. "I cant leave my job." I told him. "Look I talked to your manager. Jo? She said it's alright." He smiles. Is he really trying to eat with me? So we ate this cafe. Melo is such a sweet guy. I just didn't think he'll be into me. After lunch he drops back to work. "YN... I really like you and I fw your vibes. How bout we go on an actual date?" He chuckles.

*moving forward*

The date was beautiful and fun. I went to his house after and he started kissing me. Then my neck and y'all- HE ATE ME OUT!!!!! It felt so good..squirted on him like 4 times. Then we fucked till he climaxes. "Oh my god I just fucked an NBA player."

Then I made him breakfast. He wakes up and goes behind me with his arms around me. Then he whispered "You tasted amazing last night.." Then he kissed my neck.

I married him years later and now we're having a kid on the way. I would of never thought my life would change with him.

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