Masked part 2

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*years later*

"Melo what am i gonna do with you??" My mom says as we walked out the police office. "You were such a good boy before!" My mom continues. I ignored her comment as I looked at the window. So I asked Janet from work to give you a job at the library. BOY ARE YOU LISTENING?? She smacks my arms. I sighed feeling my arms. "Yes ma'am." I sighed looking at her. "So I'm going to drop you there and her co worker will show you how it works. You'll be a janitor but it's better than being in the streets with your damn mask!" I sighed rolling my eyes. Yeah..I did drugs...fought people...robbed stores....fucked tricks... I am a damn monster.. Even my mom said I'm turning into my bitch ass dad. I'm better than his ass. My mom dropped me off. I'll be waiting out here. I walked in the library and of course everyone was staring. MELO RIGHT? I'm Janet's friend Mabel and I've heard so much about you! She shakes my hand. "Let me show you what to expect!" She shows me everything I'm gonna be doing. "You have any questions?" She asks me. I shook my head. As Mabel was talking. A girl that looks so familiar walks behind her. The voice, the eyes. "Hello Ms. Mabel! Thank you for letting me borrow this book!" She smiles at her. "YN..." I whispered. She looks up and her eyes widened. "LAMELO?????" She hugs me. She smells so good. FUCK FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING! "It's beeen years since i have seen him. He was my best friend in 5th grade. But an incident happened so I ain't seen him since." She tells Mabel. "How are you??? You live around here?" She asks me. "Uh uhm yeah! I do..." I awkwardly said. "Oh my goodness! We should hangout sometime.." She smiles. "That's if he finishes his work." Mabel fold her arm. "I promise!" I said to her. "GOOOD! I'll see you tomorrow! Here's your uniform." Mabel hands me the uniform.

"So how have you been?" I asked YN. "I've been alright. Just going to college and trying to find peace you know?" YN says as we walked out the library. "I don't really go out like that." She chuckled. "How about you? I ain't seen you in high school. I assumed you moved." "Nah.. I just was dealing with bad people and fighting demons. But I promise myself I'll do better." I explained. "You'll do great! I promise!" YN held my hands like how she did in elementary..  "Is that your mom?" YN looks at the car in front of us. "LETS GO MELO!" My mom honks the horn. " was nice seeing you! I'll see you tomorrow then." She then gives me a hug. She then waves bye as she gets in her car. I kept smiling at the fact that she's gotten more finer. I really hope she's not taken. I went back in the car and my mom looks at me in confusion. "You better not be working to fuck bitches.." She shrugs. "No mom that's YN. The one i told you about back in elementary school. She goes to the library.." I told her. "YN??? Pigtails and little fluffy dress YN?" Her eyes widened. I looked back as she drives off. "Mom, I'm praying she's the one, I HAVE NOT SEEN HER SINCE I DROPPED OUT! I honestly think she's the one for me." I glanced at my mom who was looking at me like a fool, "Look at yourself mask boy, she's a college girl who may want a college boy or a harvard boy. You need to step up your education then maybe you'll be her type. My mom's words weren't encouraging as before..." I ignored her comment as she pulls out from the parking lot. I couldn't stop thinking about her. The way she hugged me, her smile, her ass jiggling everytime she walks. Oh my goodness she's gotten more sexy. OH IM HAVING A DAMN BONER!

*at night*

"So what's the plan now that you see YN?" Leon, my homeboy from middle school and high school before i dropped out, asks me as we passing blunts. "Naw man you don't get it, she's literally everything I want in a girl! I'm happy she noticed me but uhm I gotta change the way I act." I told him. "YOU?? CHANGE?" Leon coughs on his blunt. "YOU ARE CRAZY MASK MELO! You know if you change your old self is still inside, YOU CANT CHANGE YOURSELF!" Leon explains his reasons. "Bullshit... I'm gonna be a better person! You gonna see." I shrug. "It's the fact you're changing for a female.." Leon laughs. "Like you wouldn't do that to a female you like.." I looked at him. "I just fuck them." "See that's your problem. I wanna do more than fuckin! I wanna love and spoil the hell out of her. I wanna do those corny couple shit. I want to move far away with her and start a family and run my own business and own a dog..." "OK OK LOVER BOY!" Leon stops me as I snapped out. I ain't know you had that in you..Leon chuckles. No one does. I buff a blunt.

(next week)

The doorbell rings. "I'm coming!" I ran downstairs. "You're expecting someone?" My mom asks as she's grabbing her bag. "Yeah YN is coming over." I said as I open the door. "Heyyy!" She's holding snacks and a box of pizza. I didn't know which snack you want so i just got these. "Naw it's cool..come in." I said. "Hello Ms. Ball!" YN says hugging my mom. "It's soooo nice to finally meet you and please call me Susan!" She smiles. "You're so pretty and so kind." My mom kept going. "But you guys have fun today! And Melo you be safe now." She leaves after that sentence. "You want a house tour?"  I asked. "That'll be cool." She smiles. My bedroom was the last stop. "Your bed is so comfortable. Wait question? Can I see you under the mask?" She asks me as I sit next to her. "Oh god." I don't think I should do that.. I scratched my head. "Look it's just me and you. It'll be our secret." She sits closer. I took a deep breath. I lifted the mask and looked at her. Her eyes widened. "Oh my goodness.." She looks in my eyes. "I uhm..was like 11 or 10..My mom and dad was on the urge of divorcing and they had this big fight. I'm not sure what they were fighting about but whatever my mom said made my dad very upset. So he threatened to kill me with a beer glass he broke. But instead of killing me he scraped my face from this corner to the other. It was so deep, i fainted. But now it's just a big scar from his damage. He's arrested though for multiple chargers." I chuckled. "Oh my goodness Melo. I'm so sorry this happened. I don't know what else to say.." She gave me this sorrow look. "Just treat me like a human ok?" I said to her. I promise. She pulls out her pinky finger. I chuckled as i crossed her pinky with mine. "Come on! I wanna watch this movie." She grabs my arms and drags me in the living room. We turned on the movie and brought snacks to the table. It was movie I already watched. So I tried to spice it up by bringing her closer to me. She lets me as we continued to watch. This is getting boring. So I turned her head and kissed her. She kisses me back. Things get heated as I started kissing her neck. She moans as she feels my face. I stopped and I looked at her. "How bout we take this upstairs mamas?" I whispered. "Melo..I never done this before." "I got you baby trust me." I grinned at her. "I trust you." She whispered. We took it to the bedroom and boy did we have a time that night!

"Oh my goodness,.. I can't believe I just had sex..." YN says to me. We were covered up in bed. I was so hypnotized by her. "You so sexy.." I chuckled at her still looking at her. "Melo..I'm serious." She sits up. "Mamas, you'll be fine. I pulled out and I did it as slow as you wanted it to be. You just be a pretty princess ok?" I peck her lips. "So does this mean I'm your man?" I asked her rubbing on her stomach. "I mean I guess you did take my card." She says looking at me. "I'll keep you safe ok?" I looked in her eyes. She nods her head as she kisses me again.

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