Rags to riches part 1

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"You better come back home. Same with you two." My mom tells us looking around. She kissed all of our foreheads. "Yes mama!" We all started walking to school. "You think we'll get a big meal tonight for dinner?" One of the twins asks me as he was skipping. "I doubt it. But be blessed we might have a little something. Mama is working hard for us." I sighed. I dropped my twin brothers off their school and walked to mine which was a few blocks away. I arrived at mine expecting the usual. People chuckling at my dress. My favorite dress that my dad bought me before he passed away. "Hey watch where you're going jackass!!" Aaliyah pushed me with her clique. "I can't believe you're still wearing that ugly poor dress. Maybe if you were rich enough then maybe you'll have a decent dress.." The girls started laughing. "My dad bought me this dress.." I mumbled. "Well he should have kept that dress in the grave with him." The girls laughed and walked away. The thought of the joke teared me down. "FUCK!" Everyone was looking at me. I ran to the bathroom and hid in the stall. I felt embarrassed and ashamed... The bell rang and everyone started going in class. I was stuck in the stall. "You can't be in the bathroom for too long!" A kid knocks on my stall door. "Leave.. me alone..." I sniffed. "Come on... you don't want to be late for math class. You're too smart to be crying like this!" I recognize that voice. I slowly opened the door. "Raven? What are you doing here?" I wiped my tears. "I'm tryna make sure you're good. Come on let's go before we miss our math test." I got up and walked with Raven. "Ms. (your last name)...you're late!" My teacher yells as he passed out the test. I sighed. Raven and I made eye contact before I started the test. Raven never spoke to me before well this is the second time. The first time was when he first came to the school. His new homies were trying to make me move seats. Raven plays football at our middle school. He was tall as hell for a middle schooler. I didn't really like him or know him like that. But he was cool and sweet. But you know who i want to talk to? Lamelo Ball. He's so fine and so smart. We spoke like once though. All because I accidentally bumped into him. "Excuse me." He says going to his seat.

I sat by myself at lunch. I always did. But then, "YN heyy!! How you feeling?" Raven walks towards me. It was strange that a popular cool guy like him was talking to me. Maybe he's setting me up.. "Im ok i guess.." I said to him. "That's cool. I'm glad you ok! But what did you get on the test?" Raven asks me as he sits next to me. "Oh uhm..86." I said to him. "Aww damn must be nice. I got a 71." He chuckles. "That's not bad."I smiled. "Oh and thanks for taking me out the bathroom."  I told him. "It's nothing special. I ain't want you to miss it. Plus you're really smart at it." He continues. "Gee thanks!" I laughed and snorted. "But you wanna sit with me and my friends?" He asks. "Oh i'm going to sit by myself." I answered. "You sure?" He continued asking. "I'll be fine. I was about to leave in a few anyways." I smiled at him. "Cool cool, well i'll see you later then." I sighed as i grabbed my tray.

And ever since then he was always checking on me and been walking me home. I had a great bond with him. But as friends. He was too cool for me anyways. But then one day my mom found a new job at another state. More money than before. I was so happy that i had to leave and start a new life but what about Raven? and Melo. I told Raven that following week after school. "So will i ever see you again?" Raven asks me. "I'm not sure... but i won't forget you. You're so nice to me. I just want to thank you." I held his hands. "Goodbye Raven.."  I pecked his lips. "Dont forget me YN...Please.." He whimpers. He caress my cheek. "I won't Raven." "YN!! You need to come inside! It's gonna rain." My mom yell from inside. I looked back at Raven before going inside. Raven stood in the rain for 19 minutes. I felt bad but it was for our own good.

23 years later

"Yes yes i'm coming!" I rushed as i was on the phone with my cousin Yumi. "Oh my gosh my baby is looking at me. HEYYY BABBY!!" Yumi said as I was running. I rushed in the field as everyone was greeting each other and saying their byes. I stopped once i seen them panting while my hands are on my lap. Damn girl you ran here? Yumi asks me. I growled at her. I greeted her boyfriend. "You made it YN!" Frank smiles. "I apologize.. there's so many people at the parking lot." I explained. Just then... "RAY RAYYYY!!" Frank dabs someone who i think i remember. "Raven?" I said loud enough for him to hear. He looks down at me. "YN?" His eyes widened. His face brightened up. He then grabs me and twirls me while hugging him. Like a disney princess. "OH MY GOODNESS.. I get to see you again.."

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