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"LAMELO I CANT!! I cant be with you no more! All you do is cheat on me and hurt me! What about the kids? What about your family??" I yelled at him. "YN YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" He angrily yells back. "You're nothing without me. And everyone... loves me..including you." He says. "I don't love you when we keep going to this toxic loop! I'm leaving!" I said to him. He grabs my wrist. "LEAVE??" He then starts laughing. "You think you're gonna leave me?" He pulls out his gun. My heart drops. "Melo..." I quietly said. "Now go in the shower! Before I blast yo head." He says to me. I put my hands up and slowly walked in the bathroom. Melo followed still with the gun in his hand. "Take off them clothes..." He says. I sighed as I slowly take them off. He takes off his clothes and drags me in the shower with him. I faced away from him. "Why you not looking at me girl?" He asks me pulling me closer to I ignore him. "YN.." He repeats my name. He then kisses my neck. I still ignore him. His whole presents doesn't turn me on. I pushed him away but he kept bringing me closer. "MELO STOP!" He kept going. He tried to fuck me but I hit him. He froze and started laughing. I got out the shower and tried to run out. Melo was behind me chasing me with the gun. I slipped and fell on the bedroom floor. He grabs my body and laid me flat on the bed. "Now I'm gonna fuck you ight? Try to fight back and the trigger is getting pulled. Got it?" He pointed the gun to my head. "Melo please..." I started crying. He sticks his penis in me as I cried in pain.. He was enjoying it. I was crying in fear of my life. He licks my boobs and grabs them as he kept going. I tried to push his hands away but he kept hitting me. He finally came and laid on top of me. "Damn baby your pussy is so good." He whispered. My eyes were bloodshot red. I just wanted to leave. "Goodnight baby." He kissed my head as we both laid down. His arms around my body. "I cant escape now...."

*next day*

"Morning my babies! Morning YN!" He kisses all of us. I felt numb. Pain was still there. "I'm finna go to this party with the boys...I hope dinner will be ready when I come back." He smiles at me. I gave him a look of torture and sadness... He didn't care. "I'll see you guys later." Melo always lie talking about he's out with the boys. When he was always with his hoes. He changed.. Making me change... He makes me hate my life.. Where I stand. This is all my fault. He's right...I'm nothing! There was a knife in my hand. I cried as I started to stab myself in the stomach. I fell on the floor trying to gasp for air. My kids clueless on what's happening. I fell down and everything became a blurr. Yes I let my kids down but at least I am free! I'm sorry..

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