the assistant part 3

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Melo POV
"Everyone is here?" My mom invited my family and my management to my house. We were in the living room. I sat between Gelo and my dad. "So Melo, we are all here because we are a bit worried about you. We see that all your assistants either quit or you fired them. SOBER OR NOT!" She raises her voice. I ignored her tone. "We tried everything... So now it's up to you to decide what you want? Because obviously you know what you want..." She shrugs at me. "I first will like to say...thank you for guys for coming to the meeting you know it's raining and shit and.." "MELO GET TO THE POINT!!" My mom cuts me off. I rolled my eyes. "Look, I made a mistake.. YN was not a bad assistant at all. I was drunk and out of it. I'll just apologize and get her back again." I said sitting back down. "Tuhh.. dumbass." I heard Zo say under his breath. I glanced at him. "Is there something you wanna say pussy?" I grabbed his attention. "Actually yes... I have happened to be with YN. And she has told me all the dirty stuff you be doing. You not only fired her but you have scared her into not coming to see you EVER again. Last night she's told me that she's glad you fired her.. she's now I quote (free)" Everyone then started talking and whispering. "She ain't say that! How- how you know??" I was in denial. I can't believe that.. Free? I didn't know what to say. "Alright alright.. my mom calms everyone down. We will talk about your actions after but right now you have two options. A. you find your own new assistant or B. I'll become your assistant. Ight i'll give you time to think through. Meeting is dismissed." I face palm my face. Ugh... what am i supposed to do?

"So what are you going to do?? You can't be drinking all day." Gelo looks at me. "I don't think I need an assistant. I could definitely take care of myself." I looked at Gelo. He gave me this face of denial. "It's no use. I might have mom become my assistant. But we did that before.." Me and Gelo looked at each other and shivered from the thought of my mom assisting me. "Yeah i gotta get a new one.. fast." So i decided to have tryouts and interviews.

* 4 weeks later *

"I know mom, i'll talk to you later." I said as I was getting ready for a job interview. "Hey where the hell are you going?" Zo asks me. "I have a job interview today, maybe I can help with the bills and have money on my own." I explain to him. "You don't have to work.. you can stay home and be pretty." He kissed my forehead. "Why can't i work??" I folded my arms. "Look i'm just saying that I'm already a famous basketball player. I'm the one that brings the money in and out. You hear me?" He looks in my eyes. I didn't like how i missed my interview. I don't want to be a stay at home gf. I'm always hustling. "So what if i need money?" I shrugged at him. "Then ask me." He walks away from the bathroom. I sighed and changed to my everyday clothes. "Why are you like this..?" I rolled my eyes. "But Ima be with the boys i'll see you later ok?" He says tryna hug me. I gave him an ugly look. "Look baby how bout I take you out when i come back." He grins at me. "Just go.." I said going upstairs. "Shit whatever." He leaves the house. I was so mad that whole day. I cleaned the house throughout the day. It was 9 pm when i finally finished. I was too mad to make him dinner so i just went upstairs to take myself a shower. As i finished taking a shower I seen that Zo came home. I ignored it and dressed up.

-ur sleepwear-

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-ur sleepwear-

"So you not gonna talk to me?" Zo stands by the door. I looked at him and then started my skin routine. "You look so beautiful by the way." He went behind me putting his arms around my waist. He started kissing my neck. "Zo stop." I couldn't resist it. "Lemme eat it.." He whispered to me. Don't play with me boy. I turned looking at him. Let's play then baby.. I wanna play. He kept playing with me. He looks at my lips then my eyes. Lonzo I can't no more! You always think sex is the answer to everything! You make me sick. I pushed him. Bitch don't play with me. I'll kick your ass out. He yells at me. In a matter of fact... I can kick myself out. Go fuck some other bitch.. I told him. Fineeee.. have it your way loser! He lays in bed. I grabbed my stuff and left the house. He'll never see me coming back again.

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