Between us..part 1

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"Girl no it's just a party." I said to my best friend as we were by my locker. "Lamelo was just a sneaky link. So yeah he invited me to his birthday party. It's just a party. Plus i like someone else more anyways." I said to her. "Ja Morant? He's way out of you league." She says to me. "I'm going to ask him out. What can go wrong? " I smiled. We saw him in a far distance. "Are you sure?" She asks me. "It'll be fine. I'm walking right now." I said to her as I walked away from her. I walked in front of Ja. Oh my gosh i was in front of him. "Hey Ja." I grinned at him. "Oh hey y/n! What's going on?"

 "Oh hey y/n! What's going on?"

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He asks me. Oh he's so fine. "Uhm.. I've seen you around well.. we do have a class and I just can't get you out my head ... You wanna maybe go see a movie or something?" I asked him. He gave this look of disgust in a nice way. "Y/n I like Jazz." He shrugs. My heart stopped beating. " it's ok. I um understand." I stuttered. "I'll see you in class." I slowly walked back to my best friend. "WELL?" She asks. "He likes Jazz."I sighed. "I feel stupid now." I felt my tears fighting back. "Oh that asshole i'm sorry y/n." She hugs me. "Hey Y/n." I looked up and it was Lamelo. So tall and fine but for a fact not into me. Just a sneaky link. "You ok?" He asks me changing his tone. "I'm cool. I just feel tired." I rolled my eyes. "Something happened to you. I know it." He says to me. "Look I got rejected ok? Now you're happy?" I said walking away. I felt so embarrassed about everything that day.

*at home*
I went to go shower after I did my cleaning. I got out the shower and I saw Lamelo sitting on my bed. "LAMELO WTF!" I screamed. "Y/N.. my bad to bother you. Your mom let me in. I just had to check on you." He says to me. "You couldn't just call?" I asked. "It's better to see you in person." He chuckled. "Melo i'm ok." I sighed. "Then you're coming to my party right?" He asks me. "No.. Ja and Jazz will be there. And I will make a full of myself."


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"Just go for me. I want you to be there ... y/n please." He held my hands and looked in my eyes. Very weird of him to do.. this is not the Lamelo I know. "Ok but I doubt myself having fun." I rolled my eyes. "We're gonna have the greatest time of our life." He smiles at me. "Well i'm going now. Dress fine... For the party." He says before closing the door. "I'll try." I sighed. "Oh and i've seen you naked before you don't have to be shy around me." He says to me. "MELO!" I yelled at him.

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