TBD part 2

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"LAMELO BALL?! THE BUS DRIVER??" My mom says after hearing what happened. "I SAID THE SAME THING!" Tonia says folding her clothes. "You know how many moms and women wanna get at this bus driver! You are lucky as hell if he even acknowledges you." Tonia continued. "I'm not sure if I even want to be with him. I do not want to go back to relationships after Darius." I shook my head. "Darius was always a damn cheater but you just ain't know." My mom says holding a basket. "Give him a try... see where it takes you. Get out of your shell!" Tonia says to me. "So I listened to them and tried to be more nice to him more."

* 2 weeks later*


One of the students' mom was looking very fine. I couldn't control myself. Got me feeling nervous. "Yooo big dawg! I heard you tryna talk to a dame in one of your bus stops." My dawg Rico tells me. Rico works with me as a bus driver. "Who told you that??" I questioned him. "The kids." He laughs. "Goddamn kids.." I sighed. "Listen..I seen her the other day going to the laundry matt and I can see why you tryna holler! Try to be nice to her kid. Maybe you can learn more about her and when you're ready ASK HER OUT!" Rico was right..a walking goddess like her shouldn't be single like that anymore.

*2 weeks later in the morning*


"Good morning beautiful!" Melo says to once again. "Good morning Melo. How are you?" I asked him. "I'm doing great since you're here!" He winks at me. "Oh Melo! You play too much." I chuckled. "But listen, how bout we go out together. Like on a date. You don't have to see me with this big ole bus and I wanna see you in a nice ass dress." He tells me. I was surprised at the question but still agreed. "Great! I'll pick you up tonight." He grins. Adrian waved me a him before going back to his job. I dropped the bus off and rushed to go home. I had to look for a fit now! "IDK WHAT TO WEAR!!" I started panicking. "Oh lord don't make this a bad date.." I started praying. "What's all the fussing? Adrian is trying to do his homework." My mom saw the mess and realized what she thinks is going on. "A date?" She asks me. "With Melo.." I sighed. "AHHHHHHH!" She screamed. "Let me help.." So we looked through my closet and we both notice this one outfit.

*few hours later*

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*few hours later*

"Mom how do I look?" I asked coming out with my hair and make up done. "YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" She smiles. I looked at my phone checking the time and then the door bell rings. Adrian opened the door. "Mr Ball?" He says confused. "Adrian hey! What's going on?" He dabs him up. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "I'm here to go out with your mom." He smiles. Adrian looks at me and then at Lamelo. "Melo heyy!" I hugged him. He hugs my waist. "Damn baby you smell good." He smiles at me. "Melo please." I chuckled. "Now you two have fun okk? Me and Adrian are just going to chill here." My mom pushes us out. We took his car and went to a fancy restaurant. "You look beautiful YN." He says to me. "Thank you. And you look very much different without your uniform." I nervously said. "I hope it's not bad.." He chuckled. "No no! I really like it. I didn't know you workout either." I said grinning. "Ahh it's nothing." He winks at me. The date went well.

We went back to his place. We were holding hands as he unlocked the door. We went back to his room as he put his stuff down. "Make yourself at home." He says. "You played basketball?" I said looking at his baby pictures. "I play it still but just for hobbies." He says. "Adrian loves basketball."'I said. "He said he wants to go pro one day." I smiled at the picture. "If he can dream it then he can be it." I felt his body behind me. I knew where this was going. I turned my head and kissed him. He was a great kisser I must say. I turned and kissed him more. He carries me and takes me on his bed. He then started kissing my neck. I moan a lil as he trails down. He then took off my pants leaving me with a thong. He kisses my thighs and pulls down the thongs. "MMMMMM!!" I mumbled. He dived in and started eating it. I started screaming as he hits my G spot. I grabbed his curly hair as he was licking it. "FUCKK MELO!! OHHHH MY GODDD!!". I kept yelling. He kept making eye contact with me knowing what he's doing. He stops as I squirted and kissed me again. He then takes off both of our clothes and kisses me again. He laid me on his back. He kissed me and as he did he sticks his dick inside of me. Darius never did that. He's stroking as me and him stare at each other. It's like he loves to see my face or something. "OH FUCK!! GOSH OUUUUU!!" I kept yelling. "I love the faces you make when I fuck you like this." He whispered to me. "Keep going babyyyy!" I whimpered. "Like this baby?" He went deeper and I felt his body with my hands. He went so deep my eyes went crocked. He stops and kisses me. He carries me to his bed counter. He sticks his dick in me and grabs my legs. We made eye contact again but I tried to kiss him but his strokes felt so good! I kept feeling his body and face. "Oh fuckk baby you feel so nice." He groans. "Keep going daddy.." I moan. He then kissed me as he slows down. We did more fuckin until we both climax.

"I'm really feeling you YN. I want you to be mine." He says as our faces are close to each other. "Melo I don't know what to say..." I sighed. He kisses hoping I changed my mind. "How bout now?" He asks me again. "You're lucky you're fine..." I rolled my eyes. "Not as fine as you are." He kissed me again then we went to sleep.

*the next day*

"You ready to see your father?" I asked Adrian. "Do I have to see him?" He asks me grabbing his bag. "You need to see him..he's been asking for you." I kissed his forehead. "Adrian didn't like his dad but he had no choice.. He's been calling me all the time about Adrian..and sometimes me." The doorbell rings and I ran to get it. It was his dad. "YN..how are you doing?" He asks me. His looks were hard to not look at but I moved on. "I'm fine." I shrugged at him. "You can go sit if you want. Just then I heard Melo's car pull up.  "Ahhh Melo!" I ran outside and hugged him as he spins me around. "Hey baby. You look beautiful today." He pecks my lips. Adrian's dad sees us from a distance. Melo goes inside and sees my ex. They had this tense stare... "Melo.." He pulls his hands out. Darius looks at him. "Let's go Adrian.." He says walking to his car.

Dad ain't like Melo. Not because he can do nearly more than him but because of the way he loved mom. He would zone out sometimes even at the dinner table. "Darius hon are you ok? You've been zoning out. Is something wrong?" His wife says. "Yes Ann I'm ok. Just a lot on my mind." He says stabbing his chicken. The chicken was ight. Not crispy enough like how mama makes it. "But Adrian it's so glad to finally meet you. Darius mentions you a lot. You are just like I imagined. Strong and independent." She smiles. I gave her a awkward nod. I'm literally eating with a bunch of white people and my dad. These mix kids ain't definitely black. They may be but don't act like it. We then started to watch Jeopardy together. Not my cup of tea. "Uh can I be excused?" I sighed getting up. "Why?? The game show gets interesting." He says to me. "Dad this really ain't you. You out here fuckin a white bitch and you know you not into that shit personally. I can't be faking this happy golly life with you." Everyone was shocked in what I said. "ADRIAN GO YOUR DAMN ROOM!" My dad points towards my supposed room. I shrugged and went to my room. I took a shower and got ready for bed. My dad was mad at me so I know his ass wasn't going to say goodnight. He did to his twins though. I ain't care. I laid down and sighed to myself. "Lord...let this nigga see what he's doing wrong. I ain't want him back in my life but at least let him see what he's dealing with."

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