The assistant part 1

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"I'll see you later Michael! Melo says closing the door." I was waiting for Melo to get in the Limousine with me and his bodyguards. "LaMelo don't forget that you have a press conference after the game." I said to him. "Yeah yeah whatever. How bout we talk about the party coming up on Friday. You know YN, you ain't gotta work that day and you can bring your homegirls and shit. Pop pussy!"He laughs. "Lamelo sir, we can discuss this later but for right now we need to talk about the game and conference." His mom hired me since his last assistant quit due to his act. I'm the longest one he has so far so let's see how it goes. I already know how it'll go when I go there. It's not like it's my first time. "It's not like you're interviewing me." He shrugs. "I'm watching you Melo. I need it to be perfect so we can talk about the party Friday." I said going on my phone. We arrived to the game and he walked to the locker room. Me and the bodyguards went to the court where we went to our seats.

We watched the game. I looked at the time and then at Melo. I was told many times I should get at him but I don't know..he's too childish for me. My best friend tried to show the "pros" of messing with him. Yes, Melo is fine but it's a no.

I looked up at the score and he's doing good. 60 points the whole game.

I stood by the press as we waited for him to sit down. He finally comes and sits down. Everyone started screaming and asking their questions. "ONE AT A TIME!!" The bodyguard yells at them. They all asked the questions and he answered confidentiality. I smiled at him as he finished the last question of the night.

I waited for him by the limo and then my best friend calls me. "Girl i'm at work i'll call at 12." I told her. "Lonzo is fucking single!!" She screams. "What?? What happened?" I asked. "Him and Denise just weren't doing it." She said. "You think Melo knows?" I asked her. "I think everyone knows." She responds. I see Melo rushes over the Limo. "Let's go!! I gotta bitch that's coming over!" Melo rushes me in the car. "Girl Ima call you later."

Later we went home. I sleep at Melo's house so I just clock out from there. I can hear Melo and a girl fucking next door. I rolled my eyes. I called my best friend as I put on my sleepwear. "You gotta keep an eye on him!"
Janet says to me. "Why? Lonzo is just Melo's brother. Plus i have not spoke to him in ages. I don't get why I have to." I chuckled. Just then the doorbells rings. "Micheal??!! Are you expecting someone?" I yelled at his door. "NOOO GIRLLL!" He yells from his room. "Janet I'm gonna call you back." I hung up and walked to the door. I opened the door and it was Lonzo. Taller than me and was looking good. He smelt good too. I haven't seen him in a long time but he changed..

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He looks at me and then my outfit

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He looks at me and then my outfit. He was shocked yet mesmerized. "Lonzo??" I snapped him out. "Oh..Uh- Melo's home?" He asks still looking at me. "He's fuckin some chick. I can tell him you stopped by if you want. I'm off the clock." I told him. "Oh nah it's cool. How you been tho?" He asks me. "Me? I've been ok. Just watching over Melo." I chuckled. "He can be a mess sometimes." "How about you? I heard what happened." I said to him. "Me and Denise? We're just friends I promise." He chuckled. "You ok?" I asked him. "I'm cooling. I was trying to go to the strip club with Melo but he seems busy." He says. "Look if you want someone to talk then you can always call." I smiled. "Thanks." He smiles back at me.

After I put that hoe to sleep, I went downstairs seeing YN hugging Lonzo. Jealousy kicked in after seeing this.

I've been trying to get at YN for a while now but she's always into business things and all of that. I like that in a girl. Plus she tolerates me. Yeah I fuck these girls but I want YN.

"Am I interrupting something?" I said breaking the hug. They stopped hugging. "Bro I've been calling you forever." Zo sighs at me. I froze seeing YN outfit. She looked so fine in that lingerie and robe. "Melo you still down to going to the strip club?" He asks me. I sighed. "Ight let's go." I said grabbing my keys. "I'll be back YN." I said to her. "Goodnight guys." She walks off as me and Zo watch her shit jiggle. "GYAAAT!"

" I know what you're trying to do asshole.." I said to him going into his car. "What am I doing Melo?" He tries to repeat what I said. "You're trying to holler at YN! I don't want business and family going together." I told him. "Melo chillll. I just was getting to know her. And what if I make a move?" He glanced at me. I looked at him. "I'll fuck you up." I response. "You sure it's not because you think she's fine too?" Zo asks me. "You're a bitch!" I yell at him. "Yeah whatever.." He says driving to the club.

We went to the club and I kept giving this man a dirty look. Even at the strip club. "MELO MELO! Can we take a picture with you?" These strippers asked me. "Oh sure!" I said. Zo took the pics. "How bout you ladies give us a dance?" I suggested. "Yess! Anything for your Lamelo!" They giggled. "Uhm...on second thought, I think I'm going home." Zo says. "Wait what? You said you wanted a dance?" I grabbed Zo. "Yea but I changed my mind. You can go dance. I'm just going to chill until you're done."

Lately melo has been very weird and Lonzo has been talking more to me. Especially after work. It's interesting how we're catching up and discussing about life. "Zo? What do you want from me?" I chuckled. "What do you mean?" He asks. "You didn't talk to me like this before. Something gotta be going on." I explained. "I just like talking to you. I feel more comfortable with you than any other female. "That's if you don't mind." He answers. I don't mind. I enjoy talking to you too." I said back. I gotta go to sleep. "I'll talk to you tomorrow then." I said. "Ight mama. I'll talk to you later." He says. "Mama?" I questioned. He then hangs up. I was confused but it's ok. I went to sleep.

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