the next door neighbor part 2

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I was watching some cartoons after work. I heard a knock on the door. It was YN. "I made you some pie." She hands me the pie. "Thank you." I grinned. "How is your eye?" She asks me. "It's slowly healing. I'll be fine." I chuckled. "That's good! I want to thank you again for what you did. I was so scared." She smiles again. "It's cool. Uhm want to go out with me?" I said out the blue. She freezes and looks up at me. "Like-like a date?" She questioned. "Yeah...that's if you want." "I'd love too!" She smiles at me. "Dress nice!" And that's exactly what she did...

-date night-

"Melo you are the are the man. You got this." I prepped myself. I sprayed my cologne. The doorbell rings and i ran to the door. I took a deep breath. I opened the door.

 I opened the door

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My jaw dropped. "Oh my fuckin gosh.." I whispered. "Oh my I look ok? I can change." She says trying to go back to her place. I grabbed her wrist. "Baby you look beautiful." I smiled. Her face changed to a big ass smile. "Let's go!" She grabs my hands. We ate dinner and had a good time. I can connect with her. And her laugh? Oh lord..i need this girl in my life. We came to my place and i think you know where this is going.. We stopped kissing and she looks at me. "Why'd you stop?" I whispered. "Because I'm tryna make sure you're the one. I'm tryna fuck someone that's just get with me for my body." She says. "I'm not talking to anyone else baby. It's just you and me. I promise." I pulled her closer to continue what we started. I slid her pants down as I was kissing her. I personally can't say too much of what happened because i'm a private man but there was a lot of name calling, wetness, arm grabbing, and kissing. I laid on top of her panting. "Baby that was fun." I smiled looking at her. "You wanna do round 2?" I asked her. "Melo i'm tired.. let's just go to sleep." She pecks my lips. "Ight beautiful princess." I leaned to close the lamp as we cuddled until we fell asleep. I woke up with my arms empty. I heard the shower running. I laid down until she comes with her hair wet and my towel on. "DAYUMM BABY! You definitely wanna go for round 2.." I said eyeing her. "Oh my play too much." She bought her extra lounge wear clothes from home. "Are you gonna get up sleepy head?" She sits next to me. "How about we never leave the bed..." I pulled her closer to me. "Melo come on." She rolls her eyes. The doorbell rings. "Ugh it must be my brothers. Can you let them in?" I told her. "Yeah sure."  She pecks my lips. I sighed as i put on my clothes. Then i heard arguing. "What the fuck?" My brothers won't start anything. I ran to the living and I saw her.. again... "Melo! I seen your text... and I miss you too!"  She hugs me. I was confused at first then i realized..the drunk text. I looked at YN. She had tears in her eyes. She went to my room to grab her stuff. "YN WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN.." I pushed my ex away tryna get YN attention. "Can you listen??" I tried to turn YN around but she pushed my arms. "IVE LISTEN ENOUGH!!! I LISTENED TO YOU WHEN YOU WERE DOWN.. I LISTENED TO YOU AND LISTENED MORE TO BULLSHIT!!! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER FUCKED YOU!! YOURE JUST LIKE THE REST!" She pushed me as she went her way. I followed YN to her apartment until she slammed the door in my face. "IM's not what you think. It was a drunk text." I calmed my voice. I didn't hear from her after that. Ever since then.. my life has become more dull.. I did things i honestly didn't think i would do. Drugs after drugs..after drugs..I started dosing off more often in my room. To the point where i don't think i'm on earth anymore. "MELO WAKE UP MELOOOO YOOOO!!" I felt myself fading away..

I went to check on my brother after practice. I heard what happened with him and YN and homie hasn't been taking it well. He's been acting strange... He's been getting high like crazy. We usually do it for fun but now it turned serious. He's been spending money on drugs instead of more important things. We talked to him about it but he claims that he don't just use it for drugs. I knocked on his door. I heard a groan in the background. "Yo! I know your ass hear me knocking." I knocked again but nothing. I don't know why my brother senses is tingling. "YO OPEN UPPPP!!" I knocked louder. "MELOOOOO!" I started banging on the door. I tried opening the door but it's locked. It's to the point where i'm tryna push the door down. "MELOOOO DONT DO IT MAAAAAN!!" "What's going on??" YN comes out her apartment. "Melo is overdosing! GOOOO CALL THE COPS!!" I yelled at YN. She quickly ran to go get her phone. The neighbors around him started to come out. "MELO IS OVERDOSING I NEED HELP KNOCKING THE DOOOR DOWN!" I yelled still trying my best to open the door. Someone tried kicking the door. I can't believe it. My mind was all over the place. The cops finally came and tried helping me knock the door down. The door was finally open and there he was.... mouth was foaming as his head leaned back on the couch. He was quickly taken to the hospital. I hated to see him in this condition. I wish there was something we can do before it was too late. I hope it's not too late.

It was silent for the remainder of the week....... My family was still in shock that he attempted. I cancelled all my games until i can hear that he's gonna be ok. "You ok man?" Liangelo asks me. "I'm alright. Just tired you know?" I looked at him. "You know you can talk to me. I'm your brother. Is it Melo?" He sits next to me. I sighed. "I feel like I failed him as an older brother. If i was there I could have stopped him from doing it." I face palm my face. "It's never your fault bro. Melo was just having a hard time. We can definitely help him as brothers when he comes out of recovery." He hugs me. "Thanks man." I started weeping.

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