Im sorry ..

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So me and Melo were dating for a year almost two years now. We got in a huge fight and we never talked then. Today Melo was gonna play and my friend wanted to go to the game.

"Come one y/n just go for fun." My friend begged. "Ughhh fine..." I sighed. She jumped up in happiness.

We went to our seats and I saw Melo coming out for the lockers then we locked eye contact. I looked down my feet. The game started and the lakers were in their championship and was their last game. They were playing against Cleveland Cavilers. Hornets  was losing on their 4th quarter. "Until LAMELLLOOO WITHHHH REBOUND AND HE SHOOOOOOOOTS" Me and my bestie jumps in joy. Then he looked at me again. Losing my smile. The timer was 1 second. But the buzzer stop then Hornets were in the lead . Then when the timer went off Melo made a shot and the Hornets WOOOON!!! Just the thought of us fight triggered me. I went outside while confetti was exploding. I was trying my hardest not to cry. I started walking home. Then I heard footsteps. "Y/N!" I turned around seeing Lamelo. I continued walking. He follows me. He grabs my wrist. "Y/N i know how you feel but i never did anything to hurt you. I love you. I really doo." He says to me. "Then why would you hurt me?" I asked giving him a stare. I know i know i feel so stupid. Can you please forgive me?" He asks me. Melo i think we should break up..." I said as tears felll down. "You can't do this y/n" He whines "MELOOO?? why are you outside? We're celebrating right now." I saw his coach coming towards us. I just quickly walked away. "Y/N WAIT!!" He yells at me as I walked away. The coach made him go back inside and celebrate. I took the bus home feeling upset. I can't believe we're done.

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