The assistant part 2

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Today's the party. The day I impress YN. To show her what's she's missing. Yeah all the hoes are gonna pop out but that's not my focus. The party was booming and the music was blasting. The females danced with me. Then I saw my brothers. Gelo was with his girl and Lonzo was standing by them. "Where's YN?" Zo asked me. "She's not here yet. And why are you asking?" I said to him. "I'm trying to dance with her duhh!" He walks pass me. "AYE AYEE YOU COME BACK HERREE!!"


"Girl we gonna be late!" Janet rushed me

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"Girl we gonna be late!" Janet rushed me. I come out getting my bag. "YN!!! YOU LOOK FINEEEE!!" Janet yells at me. "Your curves showing and all!!" I blushed a little. "Come on the party started already." I said to her as we start leaving. We quickly drove to the party. We finally arrived and everyone was looking at me. I hate being stared at like this. "Come on YN!" Janet drags me inside where there's more people. People kept glancing at me as I walked pass. "YN look!" I looked to my right and Zo was walking towards me. "Heyy!!" I hugged him. "Mama you smell good. And you look good." He twirls me. "Thank you. Where's Melo?" I asked him. "Ehh don't worry about him let's dance." He grabs my hands as we went to the dance floor. We were having a great time.

This song came and when I tell you I was whining!!! My ass on him. My arms around his neck. His lips on my face. "Oh my gosh this was the most sexiest moment." Zo was whispering these nasty things that I wouldn't expect. "Oh you're so nasty Zo." I chuckled. Just then we all heard glass breaking. The music stopped and we looked at where the glass noises came from. It was Melo. He was drunk on the floor. "Oh my gosh..." I ran to him and carried him upstairs to his room. I cleaned him up and changed his clothes. "LEAVE- LEAVE ME ALONE!" He hiccups. "Melo you're drunk." He pushes me. "You're a bit bitch- You ignored all my signs and now you're trying to be nice? Go to hell!" He mumbles. "Signs? I'm confused?" I said to him. "YOURE FIRED YN!! Go suck Zo's dick or something. I don't want you here no more!!" He yells at me. I froze then I got up. "I'm sorry Melo.."

I closed the door and Michael was right there. "I'm sorry girl. He did say he wanted to get at you tonight." He sighs. "Well he can go to hell!" I mumbled as I go to my room. I packed my stuff. "Hey hey..What are you doing?" Zo finds me in my room. "Melo fired me. Apparently he had feelings for me and I wasn't getting a clue..." I rolled my eyes. "Ah shit.. hey how about you stay with me until we find you a place." He says. "Thank you!" I hugged him. "Come let's get your bags." He helps me with my bags.

*later at his home*

"Thank you again Zo." I smiled. "It's no problem. Melo is an asshole drunk or not."

I put on my pajama rob and lingerie and was doing my face routine. Then I can feel Zo's arms around my waist. I can feel his dick being hard and he kisses my neck. "Zo.." I chuckled. "Come on mama.." He kept going until he sold me. We made out and then he carries me on his bed not breaking the kiss. I sit on his lap kissing him. He takes off my robe and kisses my neck. He then lays me down and kissed me from neck to down below. He takes the panties off and starts licking it. He went crazy down there. I moaned out very loud. He shakes his head as he eat me out. He grabs my thighs still going in. "Ohhh Lonzoo!!" I moaned out loud. He fingers me as he licks my clit until I squirted. "Oh my god.." I said panting. "Shit mama I ain't know you was dripping like that." He says as our faces get close to either. "Me either.." I responded to him. He chuckled at me. He sits next to me still rubbing my clit as he stares at me. I stare back holding the wrist thats rubbing me. He kisses me but rubs a little faster. I stopped kissing him moaning rolling my eyes back. He takes my bra. Licking my boobs. Oh my gosh he's killing meeeeeeee. He went back up kissing me. "Zo.." I whispered I looked at him. You like that mama? He whispered back. "Mhmm." I nod. He went faster and I yelled louder. "Omggg fuccckkkkkk!!" Just as I yelled I squirted on his fingers. He licks my juices off his finger. Then he kisses me. "Lay down mama. We finna have some real fun!" He says getting up pulling his pants down. I did what was told and laid on my back. I looked at his dick and can I say it was very good looking. He plays with it a little. He teases me a little and then he slides it in. We're in missionary. He leans his body on mine as he does his strokes. "MMMMMM..." I mumbled trying not to moan on the first few strokes. He let his groans out. I put my arms around his neck. His strokes went faster and I was moan louder. "MAMA YOU FEEL SO GOOD!!" He grunts. "FUCKK ZO FUCKKK!!" I yelled. He slows down as we kiss then he continues as we kiss. He sucks my neck as he keeps going. "MAMA IM COMING IM COMING UGHH!!" Then he comes on me. We kissed then we did other postions. Even on the wall. We both finally came and then laid in his bed.

"Zo...I feel bad for Melo." I looked at him. "Mama don't think about him. He hurt you and was being petty. I promise I'll take good care of you ok??" He kisses my head. And that's what he did.

*the next day*

*the next day*

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I woke up on the floor. Maybe it was all a dream. I mean I was in my pajamas. I slowly got up. I tumbled out my room and realized that YN door was empty. I ran inside and seen that YN stuff was gone. "MICHAEL!!! WHERE IS YN??" I ran downstairs. Michael was my maid and chef. "Morning LaMelo! Breakfast is made and the house is cleaned."
Micheal ignores me. "WHERE IS YN?" I repeated to him. "You don't remember? You fired her and kicked her out. Then she left with Lonzo." He says. My jaw dropped. "NO NO NO!" I started something. "Shit!" Then my mom calls. All I heard was her yelling. "MELO THIS IS THE 5TH ASSISTANT YOU LOST!" She yells at me. "TELL ME EXACTLY WHY YOU FIRED HER?" She asks me. "I was drunk I don't know... We're going to have a meeting about this tonight and better come before we are going to have a problem." She hangs up. "Oop someone's in trouble." Michael says in the background. "Shut it fruit cake before you'll end up like YN!" I yelled at him. "Oh no! Let me find my Lonzo.." Michael shakes his head as he walks away. I rolled my eyes.

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