the maid part 2

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*the party*

The music was blasting and everyone was dancing. I was with my dawgs. I was looking for YN as I sipped my drink. I can't keep her off my mind. She's so nice and she be looking fine asl. I dabbed Melo as he walks towards me. "The hoes are out here and I'm already seeing my victims." He smiles. "Melo you're an asshole." I told you. "And you're lame!" Just then YN walks past us. She looked sooooo goooood! More beautiful than when she's in uniform.

We all watched as her ass jiggles through her dress

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We all watched as her ass jiggles through her dress. "Oh my god! She's mine. I'll see y'all later.." I said as I follow her. I ran behind her then grabbed her wrist. She stops and turns to me. "Lucas hey!" She hugs me. God! She smells good. "I'm going to see Ms. Ball. I gotta pass out the drinks. I'll be right back." She smiles at me. "Lemme go with you." I said to her. So we went to the kitchen. "YN! I need you to serve these and....." Izzy sees me. "Lucas.. didn't see you here." She clears her throat. "Can you serve these then i'll let you go. I shouldn't be serving anyways." She sighs. I rolled my eyes. Yn grabs the tray. "Let me help you. You shouldn't do this alone." I told her. "You sure?" She looks at me. "I'm positive. Let's go!" As we served people, people were complimenting her outfit and look. We also talked about a lot of things. Especially personal things.... "You ain't see your parents in 6 years?" I repeated. "'s part of the contract. I tried to at least call them but Melo always catches me. I really don't want to talk about him and my life Lucas." She sighs trying to hide her tears. "'s ok." I hug her. The hug was long but it was needed for her. I think the hug sparked something because....

"I don't like living here anymore. I've been assaulted and made fun many times. I feel like i should get use to it but I can't. There's days where i want to runaway but then i remember the reason why i'm doing this. My parents. They're low class and live in a small apartment. I'm trying to help them both. So i stayed here. I don't feel safe anymore... At night, when i clean the kitchen... Melo...he... he do things that i don't like. He touch me in places that i don't want him to touch. He kisses my neck when i tell him to stop. I can't scream because he says if i say anything then he'll fire me... Izzy looks at me from upstairs while Melo is distracted. So she knows it's been going on. I don't know what to do anymore... I'm sorry Lucas. I think i said too much." She covers her face.

My jaw dropped when i heard all of this. I had so much emotions going on. "THAT MOTHERFUCKER! IMA GO BEAT HIS ASS..." then she holds my wrist. "Lucas please. I need my job. I can't lose it. Don't tell anyone." She sobs. I didn't want her suffering. "Will you do something about it??"I asked her. "I'll find a way. I promise." She hugs me. I sighed. I knew she was lying. We stayed in my car. I tried cheering up YN and made her laugh. "Lucas you're so funny." She chuckled. "And you're beautiful. I promise, I'm going take you out this house." I leaned in holding her chin and kissed her. She kissed back. Then someone knocks on my car window. I put the window down and it was Melo. "The party is over... we need her back." He shrugs. I ain't want to let her go. "I'll see you later Lucas. Thank you for tonight!" She pecks my lips. I smiled at the kiss she gave me. "I'll see you tomorrow." I told her. She closed the door and waved at me. I think i am falling in love. I watched as Melo walks YN inside. I'm finna get this motherfucker locked up when i get a chance. Melo's been a bitch forever!! Even in high school but yet he gets all the girls and the attention. Hate his ass. But no one will believe.... Shit... Then it hit me. He has CAMERAS! I think i got a plan.

*the next 4 nights*

I secretly stood by the window to make sure she was alright. She came downstairs with her sleepwear on. I tried not to get distracted by the way she looks. She loooks fine asl! Everything seemed normal, until i seen Melo leaning against the wall. I couldn't hear much going on but i can definitely see. He talks to her for a bit. She tried to lock the doors as quickly as she can but Melo's already right behind her. She looked scared. But there was nothing she can do. Homie was ready to put his hands on her underwear...that's when i came into action. I barged in from the front door. Both her and Melo got scared. "YN! You're coming with me. Melo you're a sick person!! And i'll report you to the feds!!" I yelled at him. "WITH WHAT PROOOOF!?" He yells at me. I pulled out a CD from my pocket. "Good luck motherfucker.... I ran off with YN and drove off." YN was just in shocked. I drove her to my place where i called the cops in my house.

I was still processing what just happened. I was in his bedroom just looking around and looked at my reflection in his big mirror. I looked a mess. My eyes were baggy. My hair was stiff. I didn't know what to do. "You ok??" He says as he gets off the phone. He sits next to me. I just looked at him. "Look there's going to be an investigation. Because he's not supposed to keep you captive like this. I promise you'll be safe." He rubs my hands with thumb. I looked at our hands and then looked at him again. All i did was hug him. I just know i was safe in his arms. He slowly hugs me back. "Thank you!" I cried. The tears started to fall. I stopped hugging him and wipes the tears out of my face. "You hungry??You need anything?" He asks me. I then just yawned at him. He chuckles. "My baby tired. You wanna sleep in the guest room? I can fix it." I shook my head. I laid on his bed. "Oh you wanna sleep with me! Guess it's a sleepover then!" He smiles. I hugged him again but making us fall on the bed. We both laughed. I laid on his chest as i doze off.

I woke up and Lucas was still snoring. I went downstairs and I found that he has a lot of uncooked food. It's like he doesn't cook or something. I decided to make some breakfast for him like how i did with Melo and Izzy. "What's the smell??" Lucas questions me. He went behind me. "Breakfast." I said to him. "Yum!" He smiles. I finally finished and gave him his plate. "I'm going to the court all day today. You wanna come or you wanna stay home?" He asks me. "I'll stay." I answered. "Cool! I trust you! Let me get dressed." He gives me his finished plate. As he went upstairs he takes off his shirt and i couldn't help but stare. Oh my lord! He's so fine!! I shook my head to not distract myself from his looks then washed the dishes. I cleaned the house a little. Looking at all his certificates and trophies. I smiled at his baby pictures. He was so cute.

*few hours later*

"MAMAS IM HOME!" I heard him say as he closed the door. I ran and hugged him. "I know you had a long day so uhm I made you dinner." I showed him. "Oh my lord. I would starve if you weren't here! Thank you so much." He hugs me. I watched him eat his food. He's so perfect. I then washed his plate as he goes upstairs. "YN!!" He yells my name from upstairs. I ran upstairs and i didn't see him in his room. But i heard him in the bathroom. As i walked in I seen that he has no clothes on. I gasped and turned around. "Mamas it's ok. I figured you wanted to join me in this shower." He looks at me. I gulped. Only because he looked so fine. I finally gave in. I stripped in front of him as he watched me. We both went in and I grabbed his soap and put it on his washcloth. He kept staring at me. I then rubbed his body with the washcloth. I looked up at him and he looks down at me. I washed his whole body even his dick. Then I put soap on my body. "You don't need help?" He asks me. "I'm fine." I looked down but he lifts my face and kissed me. We kept kissing till our bodies were rinse and he carried me to the bedroom. He lays me down as he kisses my neck. I let out a moan while my hands are placed on his face.


"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU CAN EAT SHIT!" "Melo you're going to get arrested! We'll get in trouble.." Izzy yells at me. "Melo you have treated me like shit ever since the doctors and now everyone knows you're a molester." "IM NOT!!!" I pushed her. "ITS YOU AND EVERYONE THAT ARE AGAINST MEEE!! I AINT DO SHIT TO HER!" I barked. "MELO YOU ASSHOLEEE I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO YN!! YOU DO IT EVERYDAY! YOU DO THINGS TO HER THAT YOU HATE DOING TO MEEE!! I FEEEL LIKE A OBJECT!! I tried to ignore you and pretend it's a dream but you do it everyday." Then we heard a knock on the door. "Shit! They're here!" I panicked. "Just tell me the truth Melo. Do you love me anymore." Izzy starts crying. "LAMELO BALL OPEN UP!!" The cops yells. I looked at the door then Izzy. I then went upstairs to my room. My only choice was to jump off my window and run. I heard the cops went inside. I quickly opened the window then look back at my bedroom door. "HE'S IN HERE!!" Just as they opened the door...I jumped.

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