the next door neighbor part 1

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Hi I'm Melo and I live in an apartment. I work as a mechanic at an auto repair but i play basketball as a hobby. I don't live a fun life. I do have a great loving family that supports me. Though i don't see confidence in myself, my family tell me otherwise. "MELO IM OPEN!!" Lonzo waves his arms. I passed it to Lonzo but Liangelo steals the ball and made an alley. "DAYUMMM MELO!!" Zo yells at me. "You got butter fingers that's why." I laughed. We were at the park playing basketball on my day off. "Ight one more round." Gelo bounced the ball. "Ight Melo you gotta pay attention this time man..." Zo says. Just as he said that I seen YN.. my next door neighbor walking from work. She looks up and waves at me. I waved back at her as i slowly smiled at her. "DOOFUS THINK FAST!" BONG!! A basketball was thrown at my head. "Ughhh..." I fell on the court floor. "Doofus is in love." Gelo laughs and pushes me jokingly. "But too bad, she's taken.." Zo sighs. They were right..I am in love with YN.. She moved next door a year ago. She finished getting her bachelors and she finally moved out her mom's house. I came back from work when i seen her bringing her bags and boxes. It felt like love at first sight. She had this black long skirt on with a white crop top tee shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun. "Hey you need some help?" I said grabbing the falling box off her arms. "Oh my goodness, thank you." She smiles at me. I brought the boxes and bags inside. "Thank you so much.. i really need to work out more." She laughs. "You're beautiful just the way you are... I don't have to workout because you look good.. BUT LIKE NOT THAT WAY... BUT I.." I kept going like a broken record. "Heyy.. it's ok. Thank you." She grins at me. "I'm YN btw." She reaches her hands out. "I'm Lamelo but people call me Melo." I shook her hand. I didn't think i'd crush hard on her until this one day. It was late at night and I was drinking liquor. My ex at the time broke up with me and it really broke my heart because i really did love her. Just then i heard a random knock at my door. It's probably my annoying brothers. They did say that they were gonna check on me. I opened my door and i saw her again. She was in her sleep clothes. She looked fine ass hell.

 She looked fine ass hell

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"Melo are you?" YN asks me. I looked a mess and smell like straight liquor. I didn't know how to answer. So she just hugs me. She smells like vanilla and her skin was so soft. That hug made me feel things i ain't feel in ages. I kept embracing her waist almost to the point where I was squeezing her. "Yo Melo why is your door open..." Gelo says but her sees us hugging. Me and YN stopped and turned around. "I see we were interrupting something." Lonzo chuckled. "Y'all met YN right?" I nervously chuckled. But I loved her ever since.

Present day

But YN recently got a boyfriend which pissed me off. I may be jealous but there's something off about homie. He's a bit aggressive towards her. She would walk outside her apartment with her boyfriend while I also leave to go to work. "Hey YN!" I tried waving at her. "Ayee man I told you to leave her alone." The guy told me eyeing me. "James.. it's ok." She tries to calm him down. He looks at me and then her. "Let's go.." He grabs her hands and walks away. She looks back at me. I sighed. So i told my brothers about it.

"JAMES??" My brothers started laughing. "Guys i'm serious I don't trust homie. He's too aggressive to her. What if she's in danger?" "Melo stop worrying about her.  What we can do is moving on from her. You've been hurt way too many times.. it's ridiculous. And it's ok.. cause we got numbers of girls on our hotline." Gelo pull his phone out. "I don't want another girl in the equation. I just wanna vibe. Y'all can keep the hoes. And get the fuck out of my apartment. You're never any help anyways." I opened my door motioning to kick them out. "Your loss man, we'll see you tomorrow." Zo says closing the door. That night i was just on the couch. I looked at my phone and I had a thought about my ex. Out of desperation.. i texted her. And one text lead to another. Then out the blue i texted "I still miss you." No response from her after that. I couldn't unsend the message.. it was still there. I face palm my face. I sighed knowing what i did was stupid. I can't focus anymore... So as I walked outside my apartment door, YN also was walking out too. She had sunglasses on and her hoodie on. She looks a mess, just like how i was when i broke up with my ex. "YN..." I tried to get a reach of her but she started running. I chased her down until we were at the lobby. I finally caught her at the wrist. "Hey why are you ignoring me? And what's with hideaway look?" I questioned her. "Melo please just leave me alone." Just as she tried to escape i gotta grip of the sunglasses and took them off. "Oh shit.. YN, your eye.." That night she told me what happened.

"He got mad at me because I was gonna make you that pie you like so much. We got into an argument and he just hit me.. I'm afraid to tell anyone what really happened to me. I feel so weak Melo.." She started crying then hugs me. She cried on my shoulders. "I can't believe he did that... Where is he now?" I got up. "Melo no please, he's dangerous and has a gun and have no remorse. We already broke up..." She begged me to not go after him. "But YN he did this to you and i can't let that happen again." I told her. "MELO PLEASE!! Just hold me tight..." She hugs my waist and not gonna lie, it felt great but my anger was still high. We cuddled on the couch. "Thank you for being there for me." She pecks my left cheek. I grinned a little bit. She went back home a few hours later.

The next day i heard a hard ass knock on my door. I'm in my boxers confused on what the fuck is happening. Just as I opened the door.. POW!! I got punched in the face. I fell dramatically.. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU??? STOP MESSING WITH MY GIRLLL!!" He yells at me. He kept punching me more as YN was pulling him back. I fought back regaining some strength. My punches became greater.. I been in a bunch of fights to know what to do in situations like this. "Melo!! Stop he's bleeding!!" Now YN was tugging on me. "YO YO YO YO!!" My brothers stopped me. They had to restrain me from going back to him. "Dude!! You alright? " Zo asks me. I couldn't think straight. I was breathing heavily and my eyes were twitching. "He's not focusing.." Gelo says. The police was called and they arrested James. Somehow he was alive.. After a few hours of talking with my brothers I finally calmed down. "You want us to sleepover??" Zo asks us. "Nah... I'll be ok. Thanks again." I hugged them. "We'll visit in the morning!" Both of my brothers left me alone as I got ready for bed. I laid down with my black eye and was happy YN was safe.

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