community college part 2

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Me and Melo are dating now. I go to his games, We go on dates, we call each other. All of that. He even gave me promise necklace.

We both come back to his house from a date

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We both come back to his house from a date. He lives alone so no parents to bother him. "Lemme see your room!" I told him. He holds my hands and takes me to his big master bedroom. "Woah!!" I kept looking around. "Mirror in front of bed?" I questioned. "It's just something I like." He cheeses. "But how bout we chill you know?" He says sitting down. I sat on his lap. "You know mama you look good bouncing this dicc right now..." He randomly says. "Melo!!!" I chuckled then kissed him. The kiss turned to a make out. He then kissed my neck as I moan a little. He pulls up my dress showing my thongs. He smacks and grabs it as I bite my lips. "You know what I want." He says. "Go ahead then." I said letting loose. He gets excited and started to kiss me again this time taking the whole dress off. Only my thongs were on at this point. He sucks on my nipples as I moaned more. As that's happening he takes off my thongs. He then laid me down then kissed me from head to kitty part. He pulls his pants down and started playing with dick as he was licking my clit. I stared yelling at this point! He was hitting it right while his mouth felt so warm and good. "Oh my God!! Melo oh!!" I moaned. I looked at myself in the mirror and I can understand why he put that mirror in front of the bed. I was making ugly sex faces. "YESSS MELO OH YES!" I yelled. He then finger fuck me and ate me. "OH GOSHHH!!!" "You taste good mama." He mumbles. The closer I was about to climax the louder I got. I squirted all on his sheets. "Damn mama." He chuckled. He then kissed me. I held his face as we kiss. He goes on top of me not breaking the kissing. Then I felt something in me. Bigger than the finger. I gasped stopping the kiss. I looked down and his dick was in me. "You ok mama?" He asks me. I nod. It did hurt at first now I felt good. He did his strokes and I was enjoying it. He kisses my neck. He stops and kisses me then carries me on the bathroom counter. He does his same strokes again but lifted my legs. "YUHHH UHHHHHH!!" I moan. He did his shit so good I started cursing. "FUCKKKKKK!!!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kisses me again. Then keeps going.

We finally finished and he cleans me up after. "You liked your first experience?" He asks me. "It was something." I chuckled. We both took a shower then took a quick nap before he drops me off home.

I can't believe I fucked. And just any guy.. a basketball player.

*6 months later*

"CONGRATULATIONS!" I hugged Melo. "First game of the playoffs and y'all did great!!" I called him at work. "I know. I'm excited about tomorrow's game." He says back. "You still down for that restaurant tomorrow?" He asks me. "Yes! After work, I'll get ready." I said. "And also I can still go to that party right?" He asks me. "Only if you don't do crazy stuff and be careful." I said. "Thank you so much mama!" He sounds excited. I didn't want to be that gf that just gatekeeps him from having fun. He just needs to know his limits.

"I love you girl. I'll call you back tomorrow." I said. "Love you too! Be safe." I hung up and got ready for the party. I'm dancing and shit getting ready to see the bros but no hoes!! I'm a good boyfriend. And I have deep affection with YN. I drove to the party. Everyone was greeting me..dabbing me. "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!" Everyone yells as I yelled with them. I wish my girl was here but it's ok. As I was thinking everything was fine...My teammates came with a bunch of shot glasses. "Well well well..I guess someone finally made it." Todd says. "Here I am." I responsed. "How bout Mr. Drunk King regain his crown." He chuckled. "Look man..Those days are over. I'm just here to chill and have fun." I responded. "Having fun ? We ain't getting started yet.  I challenge you to a drinking game." That's when they chanted "DRUNK KING DRUNK KING DRUNK KING!" I wanted to ignore but I can't. "GIMME A GLASSS!" I yelled. "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Everyone cheers. Few shots won't be bad...

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