Im sorry part 2

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It's been 1 week ever since Melo got shot. I was able to go back to work. Work was fine as always. "Say ahhhhh!" "AHHHHHH!" "Good job!" I threw the stick away and took off my gloves. "Eddy is good. He should be fine in a few days." I told my patient's parent. "Thank you!" The mom smiles. I looked at the clock seeing that it's time to go home. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said grabbing all my stuff. My staff members waved me a bye as i clock out. I went to my car and drove at the cafe close to my house. I always go there whenever i had a long day. I walked in and found my seat in the back of the restaurant. The waiter walks towards me. "I see you come here often in your uniform." He chuckles. "This is the only place I can find peace." I laughed at myself. I totally understand. "Can I take your order?" He asks me. "Yeah I can have the burger and fries." I said to him. "What drink would you like?" "Just lemonade." He writes it down. "I'll get to it!" He smiles. "You have such a beautiful smile." I tell him. "Awww shit! Thank you." He blushes. As he walks back he bumps into a waitress serving drinks. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" He cleans up the mess. I tried not to laugh. After a few minutes, he gave me my order. I ate the food and pulled out my card for the bill. The guy comes back with the bill. "I hope i see you again." He smiles at me. "I mean I come here every day after work." "Oh alright.." he kept smiling at me. "Have a good night." He says. "Goodnight!" I said grabbing my stuff as i leave.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I seen her come to the cafe many times but i never got to serve her before. Today felt magical. I can't believe I spoke to her. That night I closed the shop. Then I found something on the floor. Her work ID. She looked really good in her picture. Her name? YN... Oh she even sounds beautiful! I put it in my pocket and ran to my bus stop. The last stop of the night. I greeted the bus driver and sat on my seat. I couldn't stop looking at her picture. Her beauty and smile.. Oh my god... Then I was snapped out by my driver yelling at me. "Oh shit. Sorry." I ran out the bus and went home. I unlocked my door and my mom was sleeping. I sighed as I took a shower and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up to bacon and eggs. "Morning mama!" I kissed her forehead. "You came late again again!" She eyed me. "I was working late and had to close the shop." I said eating. "You miss dinner time and i don't like that." "Yes mom, I'm still saving up for a car. Please give me time." I sighed. "I know baby. I'm sorry." She sighs. "I just hate to see you like this." "I promise I'll be ok." I smiled. I got ready for a new day. Put on my cologne and uniform. I saw her ID card and grabbed it. I knew she'll be coming by to get it. That's why I gotta look fine today. I waited for my bus to arrive. The bus came and i hopped in. I went inside the cafe and started working. I looked at the clock and made my calculations. She comes around 9pm... I have a few hours left until she comes back.

Just as I was going for my break, I seen that my boss and securities are by the front desk. "Is everything ok?" I asked everyone. "YN, I was informed that Lamelo Ball is in need of a personal nurse. He wants you as the nurse.." She slowly announces. I was a bit confused. "Why me? Can't he hire anyone else?" I asked. "Ms. YLN (your last name), Melo hasn't been taking his medication properly and been refusing anyone else to take care of him. Even his own family. We asked what will make him take his medication and he said you." A security explains. I was baffled after hearing all of this. "And if he doesn't take care of himself then he can possibly go to the ICU." He continues. I sighed looking at my boss. "It'll be for a limited time. I promise." My boss says. "How limited is we talking about?" I looked at her. "4 months." Security says. "FOUR???? Lord kill me now." I said pacing in place. "Yn you get paid extra too." She tries to calm me down. "It doesn't matter...Lamelo is my ex and i don't want to do it. This is not fair." I shook my head. "You start next week. " Security tells me before all them leaves. "I'm sorry Yn...This will be a great success for our office. I promise it'll be over in a blink." She sighs. That evening i was so mad. I went to cafe pissed as hell. I sat at the front barstool and saw that same cute waiter from last time. "Yn! Hey! You forgot your ID." He hands me my Name Tag. "Oh my goodness I was looking for this all morning!! Thank you." I smiled. "No problem, I kept it safe for you." He says. "Can I have my food to go? I'm having a really bad day." I said to him. "Bad? Oh my god what happened?" He asks me. It's a long story. I said to him. "Look how about on my break we can talk about it. I hate to see you sad like that." He says to me. So on his break, i told him all about the situation. He realized that I was the ex everyone was talking about. "I can't believe he made you be his personal nurse." He sighs. "I don't want to see him." I felt tears fall down my eyes. "Look...just remember it's a temporary job ok? You're not dating him so just do what you got to do and get out." He says. "It won't be for too long..right?" I looked at him. "Exactly!! And here.. the meal is on the house today." He smiles at me. "What's your name again?" I asked him. "Estaban. Estaban Ríos." He says to me. "It's so nice to meet you we'll get your name." I smiled at him. "Hey uhm I know after work you don't have a ride. How bout i give you a ride?" I asked him. His face lit up. "Oh shit...uhm yeah." I definitely can! He chuckled.

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