college life part 2

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I haven't seen Melo ever since that last sex experience. I was leaving class with my best friend May. She's the only girl I told about me and Melo that day. "Girl you need to tell him that you like him." She says as we walk together. "No he may have hoes. I don't wanna be his next." I shrugged. "You gonna be his next if you don't speak up." She says. Then I saw him in a far distance talking to his homeboy. "There he go!" I pointed at him.

I've been hiding from Y/N ever since we had sex. I don't know why but after that day I couldn't stop thinking about her and the sex. Mostly. I'm hiding because I know once I encounter her. I'm gonna do some weird shit. My boy Aaron saw me and dabbed me. "What's good man? How you been? He asks me. "I'm cool man you know how it iss." I dabbed him again. Just as i'm talking to him I can see Y/N and her best friend coming towards me. "Melo hey! Where have you been?" Y/N hugs me. I shivered.  She smells so good. I wanna die in her arms. She steps back. "You ok?" She asks me. "Yeah i'm chillin you know? Doing my homework and all of that." I chuckled nervously. "Wanna hangout at the bar with Me and May. Maybe we can catch up." She asks me. "I can't....I got practice." I lied to her. "Oh..ok that's ok. We can plan something another time." She says. I can tell she was kind of hurt but I was too nervous. "I'll see you later then." She waves a bye to me feeling like it's our last. Maybe it was our last.

One day I was at practice, I stopped playing and went on my Snap. I saw that there was a party at the bar. The same bar Y/N invited me. I was trying to see if she was there and she was there. She was on everyone's snap. She was shaking her ass on Ben Simmon..The way I was shocked. Not because she was shaking ass on Ben but the way that ass was moving. Wow... i'm going to actually cry. I hate this brahhh. I really hate it. "Melo you still playing?" Aaron asks me. "Yeah one second." I said still looking at my phone. The gym door swings open. I looked up seeing Ben Simmons. "MELO! Where have you beeen? Everyone has been asking for you." He dabs me up. I gave him a dirty look. "Nah I'm chillin man. I was just about to leave in a few." I changed my mind. "What? Why?" Ben says. "Because I said so..." I said leaving with my bag. I went to the elevator by my dorms. I selected the third floor and waited. I walked in to these two girls gossiping. "Girl yessss The Ben Simmons is gonna ask y/n tomorrow night." The girl on the left said. "He's so's impossible to say no." The other girl said. "That's what I said. All the girls want him. Even I want him. I guess after that night. He just couldn't get over it." The other girl said. Now I'm having this panic attack. I'm over here thinking of all the girls I could get right now. If she's gonna move on then so am I. So that night I hit up my ex from high school. The relationship was toxic but we had something good. I texted her to come tomorrow night and she agreed.

*Tomorrow night*

I was getting ready for my ex to come out the door. Then I heard a knock. "Hey it's me Y/N!" I heard. "Shit..." I opened the door and it was Y/N. Looking good as always. "Can we talk?" She asks me. "Uhh yeah sure." I let her in. She sat on my bed next to me. "What's going on...?" I asked. "I know you heard the rumors about Ben asking me out." She says. "Me? Naw I ain't know." I lied. "So he asked me. But I said no.." She says. My eyes widened. "WHY?" She looks up at me. "I like you Lamelo. Only you. I always wanted you since high school. You just had a girl at the time and you get all of these hoes. I just think..." She stops and takes a deep breath. "Uhh.I don't know." I was shocked that she said all of this. She likes me back?? MY EX IS COMING?? FUCK FUCK FUCK! "Wow uhm I don't know what to say." I said quietly. "You know what? Maybe this was a bad idea." Y/N says quickly getting her things. Just as she opens the door, my ex was standing by the door. "Y/N?" My ex questions. Y/N looks at her and then me. "It makes sense now.." She sighs walking out. I took a deep breath.

*later on this year*

Y/N started dating Ben. She looks more happier with him then with me. Ben tried to talk to me but I refused to even look at him. I'm still a single loser with no life and still want Y/N. Yeah i can get hoes and any girl i want but they're just not her. Me and her haven't spoke since that night. Man I miss her. A lot.

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