going pro part 3

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Just then Lamelo comes from behind the security. "Aj! I believe we haven't met properly." I'm Lamelo Ball. He brings out his hands. I ain't wanna shake his hands. He then grabs my hands and shakes it himself. "Well who's party is it?" Just then YN comes in holding Luna on her waist and Duke by the hands. "Is everything ok babe?" She asks. Then she saw Melo. "Oh my God.." she whispered. "YN! Oh how I miss you." Melo hugs me. YN didn't look comfortable. "Where's my son?" He asks. "Duke..his name is Duke." I tell him. "Duke.." He smiles at me. He bent down to Duke's level. "Heyy bud do you know who I am?" He asks Duke. Duke shakes his head. "I'm Lamelo Ball. Your dad." That's when the whole backyard got quiet. Duke looked confused still. "Yeah bud! I just wanted to tell you so it won't be too late." Duke confused face turned to scared. "Can we discuss this after the party? Duke was trying to go back to his friends." YN drags Duke away from Melo. "Fine. But I do want to discuss the time I can have with my son. Aj isn't his real dad just to let you know. LETS GO!" He tells security as they hide him.


After we discussed it, we were told that Aj spends some days of the week with us then later with him. "I can't believe he came back." YN whined. "I hate how this mf think he can just come back like that." I sighed. "Look we're gonna make the most out of it. I promise.." She holds my hands.

14 years later..


"DUKE HURRY UP YOUR DADS WAITING!" My mom says from downstairs. "I'm coming mom!!" I grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I'm gonna spend some days with my dad and I'm not very excited. I know because he's a basketball player that he can give me anything i want IF I WANT. But that's the thing... i don't want anything. I'm called the rich kid at school because of him and was told that i'm spoiled. I hate it. I just wanna go to school in peace. "Bye sweetie and be good to your dad ok?" She hugs me. "Ok mom! Tell Poppa I miss him." I tell my mom. I call my step dad Poppa and regular dad Lamelo. "I will! And i know he misses you too." She smiles. The limo honks from outside. I ran outside and went in the limo. They drove to his house and parked in his driveway. I went inside and was greeted by his maids. "Would you like anything to eat?" One asks me. "I'm good i already ate." I grinned. IS THAT MY SON I HEAR??? My dad yells from the top of the stairs. I awkwardly smiled at him as he went downstairs. I hugged him. "How are you big man?" He asks me. "I'm good..." "I also would like you to meet my fiancé. Where is she?" He says looking around. "IM HERE IM HERE!"

She comes from the kitchen

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She comes from the kitchen. "You must be Duke! It's great to finally meet you!" She hugs me. "But come one lunch started!" They dragged me to the patio after i told the maid that i wasn't hungry. So it was just the three of us eating. I was playing with my food. "So Duke.. i was thinking... for my wedding you can be the best man. I know that we don't talk like that but it would be such an honor!" He smiles at me. I didn't want to even be in his wedding. I just don't want to appart of his life or family. "Uhm.. I'm not sure Lamelo.." I told him. "But Duke this will be huge. We'll get your suit designed and you get to choose the colors." He kept going. All these things aren't convincing me. But for the sake of him shutting up. "Ok ok.. I'll do it!" I rolled my eyes. "YESS!!" He hugs me. What have I doneeeee??

*few days later*

"What do you mean you don't want to be his best man?" Poppa says as he's cleaning up Mars (little brother) toys. "I just don't want to. Poppa you gotta understand, he hasn't been in my life since mom was pregnant with me. He basically abandoned me and her from the beginning. Why should i care about his damn wedding?" I shrug. "First off...LANGUAGE. And second..Duke he's your REAL dad. He's made mistakes in his past but he's tryna make them up... slowly. Just do it for him Duke. Then we'll make fun of the wedding when it's over." He laughs as I laugh with him. "There you guys are! Mom says dinner is ready." Luna says to us. "We'll be down there. Poppa gets up." We went downstairs and ate dinner. "Duke honey are you excited about the wedding??" My mom asks me. "No.. I don't want to go." I said eating my spaghetti. "Why not?" My mom asks. "I do not like Lamelo and he's an absolute shit tard!" I said. "Boy you better watch your mouth before i smack your ass!" My mom yells at me. "Wonder where he gets his potty mouth from??" Poppa laughs with Luna. My mom takes a deep breath. "Melo he's your dad and he wants you in his life. That's all he wants. I know he hasn't been in your life but he's trying Melo. Give it a chance." My mom smiles. My mom always says the right things. And she was right about this one. I sighed as I finished my plate. "And we'll be supporting you by your side." Luna smiles at me. "Thanks guys!" I just hope nothing happens..

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