I want you part 2

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I was awoken by you. You came to my rescue. "Oh my gosh." You wore the same big t shirt from yesterday. You said trying to get me up. You look beautiful natural. All I did was groaned. I guess I fell asleep by your house and startled you. You helped me up to your apartment. You put me on your couch. "Ok ok.." You started to pacing around your room. You didn't know what to do with me. "Maybe I'll just call the cops.. but they'll think I did something to him..." You assumed. You didn't even know I was famous. You just saw me as a human being. This is my safe place.. YOU ARE MY SAFE PLACE.. I slowly started to wake up fully. "Uhm hello?" You waved at me. "I found you by my trash cans. Are you ok?" "Yeah..I was probably drunk." I said to you. Here maybe you're hungry. I can fix you some breakfast before I go to work." You said going to the kitchen. "Yeah sure." I said to you. You walked in the kitchen grabbing ingredients. "So can I get your name?" I asked you. "It's Y/N." You said whisking the eggs. "That's a nice name." I smiled at you. "Who are you?" You asked me. "Me? I'm Lamelo Ball." I answered. You looked confused when I told you. "Why does that name sound familiar?" You ask me. I didn't want to tell you what I do. CAUSE YOU SAW ME AS AN AVERAGE PERSON! Your phone rings. Curious on who's calling you. Maybe the guy with the blue lambo?
You finished making the breakfast and served it to me. "Did you come here by yourself?" You asked me. Yes..my love... I followed you... "Yeah..you can say I was drunk driving." I said chewing on my eggs which were amazing. "Drunk driving?? You could be hurt." You said with your eyes wide open. "I can handle my liquor." I joked around. "Oh Melo you're so funny." She chuckled as she grabs both of our finished plates. Your smile shines so bright. "Look I have to shower but it was nice to meet you. I have to get ready for work and Lamar is coming to pick me to drop me off to work." You said to me. "Lamar?" I questioned. "Yeah Lamar is my friend. He drops me off." You said. "Lamar is cool. So if he knocks on the door then please let him in." You said as you hop in the shower. I am curious on Lamar is the same dude with that blue Lambo. Maybe that's why you ain't seeing me yet. Because you see Lamar...


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Just as I was leaving I heard the door knocking. We finally get to see Lamar. I opened the door seeing this full body tatted dude. Looks nonchalant and chilled. The body language says "I'm here to grease." We both stared at each other. "Lamelo Ball?" Lamar recognizes me. "Yoooo huge fan!" He dabs me. I can't believe  I am touching this mf. "What you doing here?" He asks me. "It's a long story." I said to him. "Is Y/N home?" He asks me. "She is but look I should be going now." I dabbed him again. "Hey before you go..you gotta come to my birthday bash. You being there would be a an honor." He asked to me. "Sure man." I answered. "Just send the details."

I left but I just left the building. I went in my car and waited until you guys both got out. You both got out and you seemed to not want to go with him. Lamar is begging you to go in the car with him. Then they started arguing. It seems like it wasn't the first time. I wanted to save you but I didn't want to come in between you. You finally went in his car and drove off to work.

"Son of a bitchhhh!" I yelled. Lamar is gonna get it...he just won't see it coming.

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