the keys 🗝

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I was bored watching tv at my house and I haven't heard Melo in a fat minute. I mean we did have a big fight yesterday but I hope he didn't take it too far. Maybe i can do something to lighten the mood. As an apology I decided to have our us time. So I put on one of his favorite dresses on.

^the dress^Cooked some dinner and put flowers by the table

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^the dress^
Cooked some dinner and put flowers by the table. Then I ran upstairs and lit some candles and put flower pedals on the floor. I sighed in relief that I was finished. I tried calling is cell but he didn't answer. I texted him and texted him but no answer. I forgot snapchat had an update where you can see where the people is at. I opened the app.

I saw him in some persons house. "Ohh this bitch.." I got in the car and drove to the house. I walked to the front door. I rang to door bell. No answer. I knocked. STILL NO DAMN ANSWER! I turned the knob from curiosity and somehow the door wasn't locked. I slowly opened the door peeking inside. The song "Promise" was playing.

I was confused. I called Lamelo. Still no answer. The song was coming from upstairs. I went upstairs and went to door by door until i came upon the last door. This was where the music was coming from. I opened the door.  "LAMELO!!???" I yelled. I was in shocked. Lamelo Ball. My lover and everything was in his boxers with a chick which has only panties on. "Y/N it's not what it looks like." He says looking at what's happening. "YOU WERE CHEATING ON MEEE? YOU COULDNT AT LEAST TOLD ME ??" I cried to him. "Please Y/N forgive me it's not what it looks like." He tried grabbing my hands but I snatched my hands from him. "DONT TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN!!" I yelled at him going downstairs. Lamelo followed. He grabs my hands. "LOOK Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I just felt a little mad at you from yesterday."He says frowning at me. "LAMELO JUST STOP IVE SEEN ENOUGH OF THAT! I THOUGHT THE LITTLE FIGHT FROM YESTERDAY WAS FOOLISHNESS BUT I GUESS YOU DIDN'T! I MADE YOU DINNER AND WAS READY FOR US TO BECOME A FAMILY BUT BY SEEING THIS I CANT TRUST YOU NO MORE." As I said that I took off the necklace he gave me from our 1 year anniversary and gave it to him. "GOODBYE Lamelo Ball."

Lamelo POV

Y/N and I had a big fight yesterday about trusting each other. Now I made out with my friend's sister and I want Y/N back. She dressed up in that one dress I like on her. I hate myself for doing this. I really do.

I went back inside seeing Linda *not you* in her robe. "I better leave Linda." I said putting my clothes back on. "Will you come back Melo?" Linda asks me. "No.. I am going back to my girl." I said to her getting my clothes."

I went back home unlocking the door. Seeing everything so decorated. There was cake that says "I'm sorry." "She did this all for me?" I sighed. "Can I have my keys back?" I turned around see my baby in the same clothes. She had her arms crossed. "Y/N IM SORRY I THOUGHT YOU MOVED ON AFTER THE FIGHT AND I DIDNT WANT TO BE ALONE. PLEASE JUST DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO MEE JUSS TAKE ME BACK!" I bend down and begged.  "I don't trust you no more!" She says trying to grab the keys from me. I lifted the keys so she couldn't reach it. I love to play games with her. "Come take them from upstairs." I said sticking out my tongue. "Melo you play too much." She chase me through the whole house. Until we stopped at the bedroom which was with candles. "GIVE IT TO ME!" She growls at me. "I'll give it you if you take off you clothes." I smirked. "Melo i am not playing with you give me the damn keys." She pushed me. "Oops then you won't have these keys then." I shrugged at her. "YOURE A DICK!" She slowly stripped in front of me. I had to bite my lips from how sexy she was. "Give it to me now!!" She yells coming closer. "Let me turn you on tonite ma." I grabbed her waist. "MELO IM OVER YO......" (gco) "Mhmmm...." I started to kissing her. I make her weak everytime i have sex with her. She loves them. "You like that ma?" I whispered smiling at Y/N. "Mmmmhhhmm..NOO THIS IS A TRICK!!! Give me the keys." She still couldn't reach. "Ma just let me make your night then I'll give you the keys ight?"I smiled. She thought about for a second and finally gave in "I'm still mad at you." She rolls her eyes. I went closer from behind of her. I slid my hands into her kitty. She gasped. She started bite her lips. "NOW you better be a bad girl for me ight ma?" I whispered that in her ears. She just nodded her head. I felt her breast under her bra. I played with her nips and started kiss her neck. She turned around and pushed me on the bed. Climb on top me and kissing me. I grabbed her booty which was HUGEE.... you know the rest😏

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