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Chapter 65 World Four

    Ye Qing turned his head to the side when he heard the sound, his eyes floated, plain white monk robes, bald scoops on the top of his head, sandals on his feet, and an ordinary face. From the outside, he seemed to be the most ordinary monk, but he knew that this man It is Hongming.

    Martial arts are so high that they are completely capable of turning corruption into magic, and vice versa. What this featureless face hides is the extremely handsome face he has seen before, which is placed among millions of people. There is also a shining light in the middle, the holy place Buddha, the reincarnated Buddha.

    "The holy monk thinks, do I want to go back on my word?" Ye Qing asked, cutting off her thoughts, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and her attitude was good.

    Hong Ming fixed a look at him, then took the medicine bottle back from his hand, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed slightly, feeling a little puzzled in his heart, but thinking of this person's eccentric temperament, both righteous and evil, it is not enough to do anything. Strange, I felt relieved again.

    "Since you are willing to take the trouble to heal now, why did you harm people before, and only cause trouble."

    Ye Qing gave him a smile: "I am happy! What's more...you and I agreed before that the holy monk did not seem to be victorious, and I have no reason to let it go. People of Qingzhou, now I am willing to take a step back, why should the holy monk pursue too much?" He is now carrying the identity of an evil doctor, and he is mad as a matter of course.

    Hong Ming paused for a moment, but he didn't ask any more questions, and said, "The sky is getting brighter, tell me what to do, two people are faster than one person."

    Since he was willing to help, Ye Qing felt compelled to take it out from the blue cloth bag. Four bottles of tonic medicine were thrown at him: "Besides this well, there are still eight left. You and I each cast four, which should be able to finish before people go out."

    Hong Ming nodded: "Yes."

    Ye Qing thought about it. , and said: "The holy monk is highly skilled in martial arts, and his leg strength is much faster than mine, so he went to the northwest, north, northeast, and east, and I was responsible for the rest of the west, middle, south, and southeast. How about it? As for these few mouths. The holy monk should know the location of the well."

    Hong Ming nodded again: "Yes."

    Ye Qing shook his head, and half of the figure was no longer in front of him. No wonder he was able to block the original owner in the mountains outside the city. The title really wasn't covered.

    From beginning to end, neither of them mentioned that incident, as if that night was just an illusion.


    Ye Qing finished the tonic drugs in the order of west, middle, south, southeast, and she was in a good mood. Besides, he had just passed through the large and small pharmacies in the southern city of Fangzhou. Feeling guilty, I wandered out of the city through the nearest east gate.

    However, after walking for less than half a mile, he saw the Buddha who was shining with light all over again. The man stood quietly under the big green tree. It was as if nothing outside could enter his heart.

    Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, her intuition could not bear to break this extraordinary picture, nor could she bear to disturb this deceased Buddha, she turned her toes, and planned to take a long way to leave and it was over.

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