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jisung swiped his key card on the door and opened it slowly.

as he looked round the apartment, he felt a smile creep onto his face.

it wasn't exactly 'homey' at first glance, but jisung was glad to have finally gotten out of the place he, overtime, refused to call 'home'.

it wasn't necessarily a toxic environment. it was more so that jisung was still not comfortable having to live with his mother's new husband and so had grown to feel less and less welcome in his house each day.

the boy turned his attention to the two bedrooms and saw that one of the doors was closed.

as he had been told told his roommate had already arrived, jisung wasn't too fussed about getting first pick of a bedroom. he knew both rooms had the exact same layout anyway.

he wandered through the open door and placed his backpack and few suitcases on the bed as he began to unpack.

"shit." he sighed as he picked up an empty water bottle where the cap wasn't sealed.

his once half-full water bottle had now leaked over some of his clothes, though luckily only a few pairs of trousers had taken the bullet.

sighing, jisung lifted them out and walked into the bathroom to drape them over the side of the bath, hoping they would dry out before the next evening.

jisung ran a hand through his hair as he decided to walk to the kitchen to refill his now almost empty water bottle.

minho, while in his room, had heard every footstep.

he quietly groaned to himself as he now knew his roommate was in the kitchen.

minho had planned to grab himself something to eat for dinner as it was now coming up to his usual meal time.

quickly he sat up and scoffed. he wasn't about to let his dumb roommate stop him from doing what he wanted. besides, the kitchen was his space too.

he stood up, opened his door, and stopped in the hallway. 

he was now looking at his roommate for the first time.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now