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only the sound of the hail on the window filled the room as minho nodded before lifting the box and handing it to jisung.

after moving back from jisung, minho noticed his slightly hesitant expression.

"do...do you want me to go?"

jisung slowly met his eyes as he flattened his palm on top of the box. "y-yes please..."

before minho could begin to walk away, jisung placed a hand on his arm.

"thank you, minho." he softly spoke as minho gave him a gentle smile before leaving the room.

a sigh passed minho's lips as he sat down at his desk.

no matter how hard he tried, minho couldn't hate jisung anymore.

however, the turning point wasn't clear.

in fact, had minho ever actually hated jisung?

sure the younger was difficult to live with. but, for minho, anyone would have been.

minho had never been around someone so much. at home, his parents had always stayed out of his way.

as he thought about the last few weeks, minho realised he'd never actually hated his roommate. instead, the idea of a roommate.

quickly minho shook his head, refusing to start thinking about his actual feelings towards jisung.

alternatively, he looked out the window. deciding to count how many cars he could see as a means of distraction.

he hadn't realised how long he'd been counting until he heard his phone ring.

'incoming call- han jisung'

instantly, minho picked it up.

"yeah?" minho answered, hearing a small shaky breath in return.

"could...could you come in please?"

without answering, minho ended the call and hurried into jisung's room.

once he opened the door, he was met with the sight of jisung softly crying with a piece of paper in his lap.

"sorry...were you busy?" jisung nervously asked.

minho shook his head, taking care not to crumple any pieces of paper before he sat on jisung's bed.

he counted eight letters around him. nine including the one jisung was holding.

jisung took a deep breath before meeting minho's eyes.

"...i was wondering if you could read me this letter. i um, can't really see it."

even though jisung's vision was clouded with tears, he would never dream of skipping one of these letters.

especially not the ninth.

"y-yeah, sure." minho nodded as he shuffled closer to jisung, carefully taking the letter from jisung as the younger collected the others and placed them on his nightstand.

"from the beginning?" minho asked, receiving a weak nod in return.

minho cleared his throat and held the paper in front of him.

'hey kiddo!

wow today is your 9th birthday!

you're growing up too fast for me to be able to tell you my awful jokes anymore, though i love how you always laugh even if you don't find them funny.

the days i've gotten to hold you in my arms and watch a storm with you have been some of the happiest moments of my life. just stop growing and we'll be able to sit like that forever!

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now