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jisung was exhausted.

he'd had the worst day in school and had scored low on every assignment he'd submitted.

normally, he'd be near the top of his class, but he knew the last week hadn't helped his concentration.

recently, he'd been starting to feel as though nothing mattered and so hadn't cared about the execution of his work.

though still, as uncomfortable as he was in the dorm, jisung was more than reluctant to go home.

after all, he'd sworn he'd never return to that place.

jisung clumsily swiped his key card and kicked open the front door as his hands were full.

as he walked into the kitchen, he saw minho stood at one of the counters.

'brilliant.' jisung mentally scoffed as minho refused to turn round. 'we're back to this again.'

as he placed his shopping bag onto the counter, and his school backpack by his feet, jisung noticed minho was now facing him. almost looking angry that jisung had returned home.

in reality, minho wasn't angry at all.

instead, he was frustrated at himself for the weird feelings he'd recently been having whenever jisung was around him.  

so, his best option was to completely avoid jisung at all costs.

after all, there was was absolutely no way he could actually feel that way about his roommate.

could he?

jisung decided against asking him about the day before. it was clear minho's cold persona had returned and jisung knew better than to aggravate him.

besides, he wasn't in the mood for an argument.

jisung walked himself over to one of the counters as he began to unpack what he'd bought.

"they didn't have any ramen so i didn't manage to get any." jisung informed.

to no surprise, he was met with silence and didn't care that minho hadn't answered him.

as long as minho had heard him, jisung was more than satisfied with the quiet atmosphere.

minho only nodded to himself. unsure if jisung had seen, though he didn't really care.

jisung continued to stock the shelves as he heard minho walk away from the window.

even though the pair had experienced many times in which they wouldn't speak to each other, today felt weird with an unusually heavy atmosphere.

after he finished unpacking everything, jisung sighed to himself at the thought of all the work he needed to catch up on.

he placed the empty shopping bags into a drawer and stepped back after shutting it to turn and pick up his backpack.

the only problem was, he'd forgotten how close he'd initially placed it next to him.

jisung's foot got caught and he felt his body falling forward towards the floor.

however, he let out a gasp as he felt himself be quickly grabbed by someone.

someone, jisung thought would be anywhere but close to him.

minho had a tight hold around jisung's small waist as he stared down into the younger's eyes.

jisung was frozen as his lips were slightly parted in shock.

the room was silent apart from the light breaths jisung was taking now minho's face was so close to his own. 

the pair stayed staring instantly at each other until minho slowly began to help jisung back to his feet.

forgetting to take his hand from jisung's body, minho hadn't realised he was in fact pushing jisung closer to him.

jisung unintentionally lifted his hands to minho's shoulders and felt his breath hitch ever so slightly.

"t-thank you." jisung whispered as he couldn't move his eyes from minho's.

minho only stared at him as his expression was close to blank. "o-okay..." he mumbled.

only then did jisung realise how close he actually was, blinking a few times in an attempt to snap himself out of his trance like state.

this was the first time minho had held him without one of them being emotionally vulnerable.

yet somehow, the feeling wasn't uncomfortable.

jisung slowly stepped back from minho as the arms around him dropped.

he gave minho another small nod once the pair had separated.

keeping his head down, jisung lifted up his backpack and hurried into his room.

minho was left dumbfounded. his attempt of avoiding jisung clearly hadn't lasted long.

he hadn't even realised what he had done until he found himself staring deep into jisung's eyes.

as he blinked keeping his eyes on jisung's door, he tried to convince himself what he did was purely just a reflex.

if minho would have left jisung fall, he might have gotten injured meaning minho would be expected to help him.

and until two minutes ago, minho had told himself he'd never get into a position of holding jisung ever again.

trying not to think about it, minho walked back into his own room.

immediately, he sat down at his desk and looked though his class notes from that day.

after a few minutes passed, minho let out a frustrated sigh.

no matter how hard he tried thinking of something else, his mind always came back to the same thing.

now, minho could no longer ignore it.

i know i've set the next chapter up, but omG have i wanted to write the cliche one character falling and 'the impact never coming' ahhh i love it 🥰

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now