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"then i'm yours..."

minho smirked as jisung pulled him back in for another passionate kiss.

the older slid his hands under jisung's thighs and effortlessly lifted him from the counter, carrying him into the younger's bedroom.

once they reached jisung's bed, minho pinned jisung's shoulders down and fixated his eyes on the boy's already swollen lips.

the moment didn't last long as jisung slyly chuckled before bringing his hand to minho's nape and pushing him down so their lips met.

as their desperate kiss continued, minho moved a hand from jisung's shoulder to instead wrap around his neck.

jisung mewled at the feeling and sighed against minho.

"harder." he breathed against minho's lips, softly moaning as minho's grip tightened.

the older let out a staggered breath as jisung had raised his knee to graze against minho's crotch.

to endure the pleasure swirling through his body, minho began to grind his hips down against jisung's.

jisung dropped his head back, breaking the kiss as he rested his hand on minho's chest, pushing it back slightly so their eyes met.

no words were spoken as jisung trailed his hand down until he reached the hem of minho's shirt.

he gently tugged at it, eliciting a smirk from his roommate above as he sat back on his heels to pull it over his head.

minho's grin only widened as he watched jisung's eyes trail his front before subtly biting his lip.

"your turn." minho teased as he moved his hands under jisung's shirt to roughly grab his smooth skin.

jisung moaned at the feeling, instantly sitting up to take off his own shirt to then drop back against the mattress.

minho's words were caught in his throat as he looked over jisung's petite yet still muscular frame.

with a knowing grin, jisung cupped minho's jaw and quickly pulled him back down into a desperate kiss.

as jisung felt minho's tongue graze his bottom lip, he parted them allowing their kiss to deepen even further.

both of their bodies were overheating with pleasure as they pushed their bodies even closer.

minho broke the kiss and instead began to trail harsh kisses down jisung's neck.

jisung arched his back under his roommate as he felt minho's thumb brush over his nipple.

"oh minho, fuck~" he panted as minho sank his teeth into his skin. the older feeling himself twitch at jisung's breathy whimpers.

the younger lifted his hands into minho's hair, his body squirming with pleasure causing him to tug at the older's hair to ground himself.

minho continued to kiss down jisung's chest, occasionally nipping his skin until he came to the waistband of jisung's trousers.

as he lifted his head, he took in the sight of jisung's chest rapidly moving up and down.

he teased his finger down jisung's clothed election as jisung sat up on his elbows to meet his eyes.

"can i?" minho asked, watching jisung eagerly nod as he helped minho to pull off his trousers and boxers simultaneously.

jisung's breath hitched as minho licked up his shaft, gathering the precum at his tip in his fingers as he used it to help wet the rest of jisung's hard dick. 

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now