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the next morning, minho woke up to the smell of pancakes and a dull pain in his lower back.

it took him slightly longer than usual to get dressed and ready before he made his way to the kitchen where he found jisung plating breakfast.

"morning, sleepy head." jisung teased, placing the food on the table before standing next to his chair to welcome minho.

minho only groaned as he scowled at the younger. "you hurt my ass." 

jisung snickered as he cupped minho's cheeks after the older had shuffled over to him.

"not my fault you're incredibly irresistible."

the scowl on minho's face was immediately replaced by a shy smile as he pushed jisung away to hide his blush. he then walked over to his chair as the pair tucked into their breakfast.

a little while into eating, minho tilted his head with a click of his tongue as he stared at jisung.

"how do you make pancakes taste so nice?" he asked, his roommate holding a confused expression. "they were never this good when i was at home. and my family had a chef!"

"my dad taught me a special way of making it." jisung sadly smiled. "believe it or not, making something with love actually does make a difference."

as their eyes met, minho chuckled.

"that makes sense, there wasn't a lot of love in my house." the older shrugged as he swallowed another mouthful. "but anyway, i'll have cooking lessons from you anytime."

jisung lightly chuckled at his roommate's attempt to cheer him up.

"i wouldn't mind having breakfast made for me someday." jisung teased, holding a light grin as minho rolled his eyes.

"if you're wanting it made for you tomorrow, prepare for something burnt."

jisung raised an eyebrow. "even if i ask for a bowl of cereal?"

the older nodded as he held a smug smile, pointing his fork in jisung's direction.

"i can assure you, i will find a way."

as the pair began to finish their food, minho remembered that both of them would be free of classes for the week due to their teachers giving them a study break.

initially, minho had thought of a few things the pair could do and, as it was now the month of may, he knew the spring weather would be perfect for taking jisung to lots of different places.

he was especially excited to take his new boyfriend out on some well self-planned dates.

however, while thinking of these ideas last night while the pair were cuddled up, minho hadn't even thought to check if jisung already had plans.

minho was finishing up at the sink, having been washing up the plates just like he normally would now the pair had established a routine.

jisung was the self appointed cook, and minho was the self appointed cleaner.

not that either of them minded the roles. they soon found it comforting to know they were helping each other out. finally getting along like true roommates should.

"so you know how we now have the week off?" minho spoke up, drying off his hands before wiping down the counter so he could rest his back against it.

slowly, jisung turned sideways in his seat to face minho before nodding for the older to continue.

"i just wanted to know if you had anything planned?"

immediately, minho noticed jisung tense up.

"e-erm," jisung gulped as he nervously rubbed his nape. "i-i might have."

he took a deep breath before continuing. "...i um, will need to check my calendar."

"that's okay," minho smiled, trying his best to act as though he hadn't noticed jisung's hesitancy to answer.

he took a step forward and bent down to hold jisung's hands in his own.

"as long as i get to spend some time with my lovely boyfriend," he paused as he softly pecked his lover's forehead. "i'll be happy with whatever you want to do."

jisung tried to stop his lips from trembling. he nodded and pecked minho's cheek before shuffling to the edge of his seat and clearing his throat.

"i'll just erm, go check." he spoke in a near whisper.

minho squeezed his hands one last time before they parted.

after a small moment of hesitation, jisung cupped his roommates face and softly rubbed his thumb over his cheek.

he didn't speak, but minho near melted at how fond the younger's gaze was.

jisung then slowly made his way out of the kitchen and headed into his bedroom.

at first, minho wanted to follow him but decided his boyfriend may need a little time to himself before accepting company.

so, he decided to tidy up the place a little bit.

after all, now that the pair were finally getting along, they'd been using the living room space a lot more.

plus, minho soon came to find that jisung had a knack for losing things and quickly remembered that jisung had lost one of his school books, somewhere that was definitely not in his bedroom.

after a few minutes of searching, minho found the book hidden in the desk unit and decided to let jisung know it was found.

the book was left on the coffee table as minho made his way to jisung's bedroom.

as he opened the door, his face fell as he saw the tears on jisung's cheek.

with a light sigh, minho walked behind him and wrapped his arms around jisung's waist.

upon entering, he immediately realised why jisung had gotten upset while the pair were having breakfast.

the pair were now looking at the marked square on the 14th may.  

in a few days time, it would be the 10 year anniversary of his father's death.

jisung let out a soft sigh as he rested his head back on minho's shoulder, moving his hands to rest over the older's.


minho let out a hum as he tightened his arms around jisung, pecking his temple as he felt jisung draw a shaky breath. 

"would you m-maybe like to come with me to visit my dad?"

minhos eyes widened as he held a gentle smile, subconsciously tightening his grip on his boyfriend. "you really want me to?"

jisung nodded as he lightly trailed his fingers along minho's arm.

"i think it would be rude not to introduce you two, and besides,"

he lightly chuckled as he turned round in minho's hold, resting his hands on minho's nape.

"my dad always said he'd like to meet any boy i would grow to fall in love with."

minho cupped his face, wiping the stray tears off of his cheeks with his thumb.

"since you're the first a-and i kind of hope to be the last," jisung admitted with a shy twist of his lips. "would you like to go with me?"

"jisung," minho smiled as he pecked jisung's forehead before pulling away to meet his eyes. "i would love to go with you."

they've come such a long way 🥰

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now