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the roommates had walked quite a way from their dorm.

they'd been in light conversation for the entire walk before jisung sensed minho was tired.

after a bit more walking, jisung finally recognised the supermarket near their dorm complex and pointed to a bench for them to take a break.

minho let out a sigh as he slumped his body against the back of the bench.

"you're such a baby," jisung laughed. "we haven't even walked that far."

the older glanced at his phone and scoffed. "it's nearing 9pm, jisung. you've kept me out for two hours."

minho couldn't hide his smile as jisung lightly poked his cheek.

"no complaints, i didn't force you to come with me." 

knowing he couldn't argue back, minho pursed his lips with a slight huff.

jisung playfully rolled his eyes before shaking his head, smiling at the comfortable silence.

for minho, however, he was unsure on whether to ask jisung something.

after all, there was something he'd been wanting to ask jisung for some time now.

he slowly lifted his head off the back of the bench and brought his body to face jisung's. 

"so erm..." he gently began. "can i ask about your family or is that...is that too much?"

after turning to face minho, jisung shrugged.

"i guess...it just depends what you'd like to know." he answered. "you know the main thing anyway."

minho nodded as he looked to the floor. 

"i...i guess i'd like to know why you moved here, did you want to get away from your mum?"

undetectably, jisung bit his lip.

he was comfortable with minho, yet hadn't expected him to be so exact.

"...yeah, pretty much." jisung took a deep breath. "i never liked yongtae, her husband. when they got married it was unsettling how fast she'd seemed to move on."

jisung paused as he rubbed his nape.

"turns out, she'd been seeing yongtae for just over a year before my dad actually passed away."

minho noticed his body had slightly hunched over.

"oh..." minho replied. "did you even give the guy a chance?"

"no," jisung snapped as his head had shot up. "why would i?"

"oh, no i didn't mean it like that," minho quickly shook his hands. "i just meant like, was yongtae nice to you?"

thankfully, jisung softened his posture as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"well...yeah? but it was just too quick. he tried to act like a father immediately a-and the fact i was properly introduced to him on my birthday just made it so much worse."

minho took in jisung's somber expression. "when did you find out your mother cheated on your dad?"

usually, jisung would be uneasy with such direct questions.

however, he was quite comfortable with talking about it with minho.

besides, he hadn't talked to anyone about his situation for years.

"she told my dad a month before he died that she'd met someone else. he was devastated though never showed it around me."

jisung's voice had slightly wavered though he quickly cleared his throat.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now