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jisung was sat down at his desk, trying to occupy his mind with work.

he didn't know exactly what he'd felt, but he tried to tell himself he was tired and so unable to think properly.

still, he couldn't forget minho's tight but gentle grip around his waist. 

jisung shook his head and realised he was being delusional. he had accidentally fallen into minho and it was a pure reflex.

suddenly, there was a light knock at the door.

jisung slumped back in his seat, lifting his arms to rest over his head.

this is not what he needed right now.

"come in." he replied, keeping his gaze behind his arms.

minho slowly opened the door and sat down on jisung's bed, also refusing to look at his roommate.

jisung looked towards the door but was confused to see it empty.

as jisung slowly turned round in his seat, he then saw minho sat on the edge of his bed with his eyes to the floor.

"what do you want?" jisung asked, near devoid of emotion.  

minho couldn't look at him. he took a deep breath and sighed. "i...i don't know." he replied in a quiet voice.

jisung tried to read his expression. though, his roommate refused to lift his head.

a hum left jisung's lips as he turned back in his chair to look down at his work again. 

he'd decided to let minho be.

the room was silent until minho heard jisung sigh in frustration. 

minho lifted his head up and cleared his throat. "are...are you okay?"

jisung chucked his pen onto the desk and leant his back against the chair in defeat. "yeah...i just messed up this question." he sighed again, bringing his shoulders forward as he looked down at his work.

minho mumbled an 'oh' in reply and fiddled with his fingers. "what erm... what question?"

it felt odd to show an interest in his roommate's work.

"this one." jisung pointed to one of the questions in his textbook. 

minho stood up and slowly walked behind jisung's chair.

he squinted his eyes to try and read the print as he wanted to refrain from getting too close.

jisung huffed as he picked up his pen to lightly chew on it in frustration. 

he shrugged and pointed his pen at the question. "i didn't realise we could only use those certain chapters."

minho watched as he absently underlined where it mentioned the four chapters they were restricted to in bold. 

he'd been too busy reading the short extract on the page to notice just how close his head was to jisung's.

curiosity got the better of him as he leant down even further to read jisung's answer.

"i mentioned the chapters we couldn't use, so now i have to start all over ag-"

as jisung turned his face to the side, he hadn't expected minho to be so close to him.

minho felt jisung's breath against his cheek as he quickly turned his head to see jisung's face inches from his own.

jisung blinked a few times. neither moving their heads back. 

the pair were caught up in each other's features. their eyes always returning to the same place.

jisung wouldn't have been surprised if minho could hear his rapid heartbeat as minho was now looking over him the exact same way he had done in the kitchen.   

however, jisung reminded himself he was being delusional.

he was about push his chair back when he felt a hand on his face pulling him forward.

minho had softly cupped his jaw and had pulled him in to connect their lips. 

instantly, jisung's mind went into overdrive, running between confusion and desire.

on one hand, jisung had believed minho had hated him. 

but right now, that didn't seem to be the case.

jisung hadn't realised he'd closed his eyes and let his lips subconsciously move against minho's.

however, a few moments passed before jisung realised what he was doing and instantly his mind cleared.

he quickly pulled away as his eyes shot open.

minho felt the loss of contact and opened his eyes to look over jisung's face. the younger's expression was unreadable. 

the only thing minho felt in that moment was embarrassed. 

"j-jisung..." he managed to say, "i'm sorry i don't... i don't know why i did that."

jisung shook his head but the words were caught in his throat.

minho moved away and sat back on the bed, resting his head in his hands.

jisung's heart was almost pounding out his chest.  

all he wanted to do, was leave.

"i'm...i'm going out." he quickly said.

minho only nodded as he watched jisung stand up from his desk. 

the room was silent, the atmosphere heavy, as neither knew what to say. 

jisung opened his door and was about to walk out when he stopped in his tracks. 

"i'm...i'm sorry." he whispered before leaving minho alone in the bedroom. 

minho dropped his body back to the mattress, letting out a groan as the front door shut behind his roommate.

he lifted a hand to his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

"what the fuck did you just do?" minho sighed to himself.   

placing a hand under one of jisung's pillows, minho turned his body to the wall. 

he needed to clear his mind and knew jisung was probably trying to do the exact same. 

after shutting his eyes and focusing on the silence in the dorm, minho almost instantly drifted off to sleep.

at that moment, it was exactly the type of escape he needed.

i'm kinda sorry? 😇

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now