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the next morning, minho woke up alone with a pillow in his arms.

at first he was confused until he realised jisung was nowhere in sight and so must have given him the pillow to hold as a replacement.

then, minho noticed the smell of pancakes.

after getting out of bed, minho got himself dressed and ready for the day in the bathroom before walking out to make his way to the kitchen.

jisung smiled as he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind.

"morning." jisung sang, leaning his head against minho's while continuing to finish up their breakfast.

"morning, baby." minho mumbled, lightly kissing the side of jisung's head.

"baby, huh?" the younger chuckled after receiving a kiss on the cheek before minho hummed with a nod.

eventually, minho let go of his roommate as the two moved to the table, now sitting opposite each other.

"why pancakes?" minho asked as he watched jisung shrug.

"why not? i thought to make you something before you have to go to class." he finished a mouthful before continuing. "plus, i wanted to have breakfast with you."

the pair shyly smiled without looking at each other, falling into a light conversation as they tucked into their food.

surprisingly, the conversation flowed with ease. the fact they'd both 'hated' each other mere hours ago clearly being a lost thought.

before he knew it, minho had finished his breakfast.

seeing jisung was also close to finishing, minho walked to the sink and gestured for jisung to pass over his plate so he could rinse them.

jisung stayed at the table, taking some time to stare out of the window as the sound of running water filled the comfortable silence.

after finishing washing up, minho walked behind jisung's chair, snaking a hand into his hair before roughly pulling it back so jisung's head dropped to face him upside down.

"thank you for breakfast, baby." minho smirked, leaning closer to jisung as he heard his roommate's breath hitch.

"i'll be able to show you how much i enjoyed it later~"

roughly, minho kissed him. pulling away with a sly smile as he'd noticed jisung chasing his lips.

without a second glance, minho walked away in the direction of the couch to grab his backpack to head out to class.

before he could reach down to grab it, he heard a chair quickly scuff on the floor.

he turned around only to be met with jisung jumping on him, causing the pair to fall over the arm of the couch.

the younger shuffled on top of minho and immediately began to leave harsh kisses down his neck.

"b-baby~" minho sighed, desperately trying to fight the urge to buck up his hips. "don't, i-i need to leave."

jisung left one last harsh mark on minho's skin before pulling away. he lightly traced his finger along minho's jaw as he met the older's gaze.

"next time, don't try and tease me or you'll regret it. okay, princess?" he smirked sliding off minho, not forgetting to press himself down on minho's crotch.

as minho lay near panting on the couch, he turned to see jisung walking towards the bathroom.

"have a good day, min!" he yelled, instantly locking the door so his roommate couldn't get to him.

minho only scoffed as he stood himself up.

thankfully, his situation wasn't too severe and so he picked up his backpack and made his way out of the front door, trying to keep the idea of his roommate out of his mind.

though this time, it certainly proved to be harder than usual.

the parallels of minho waking up without jisung in his arms and being sad about it, as well as trying not to think about his roommate but this time for a completely different reason 😇
also happy two months to this book 🤣

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now