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minho's eyes fluttered open as he slowly woke up.

at first he was confused as he looked down to see that he was on top of the covers.

then, he noticed jisung's arm was loosely wrapped around his body.

immediately, his guard came up.

"woah woah woah!" he exclaimed as he harshly shoved jisung back.

there was a loud thump as jisung fell to the floor. he tiredly rubbed his back as he sat up.

"the fuck was that for!?" jisung yelled, feeling his throat strain.

"y-you were holding me?" there was confusion evident in minho's voice.

jisung was about to reply when he watched minho's eyes widen after looking to his desk.

"11am!?" he snapped his attention back to jisung. "you dick! you've made me miss my morning class!"

minho groaned as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "god jisung, what the fuck did you do!?"

as his lips parted in shock, jisung felt his chest tighten. this was not the same person he'd been with the night before.

this was the minho he'd met weeks ago.

"what did i do!? you came onto me last night!" jisung argued. "are you seriously pinning this on me!?"

it was almost as though all their feelings from last night had disappeared.

"this is all your fucking fault." minho grumbled as he stood up, before walking to the bedroom door and turning back to jisung.

"do not be in here when i'm done in the bathroom." he spoke coldly, slamming the bedroom door behind him.

'don't be in here...?' jisung thought to himself. 'this is my fucking room?'

as he stood from the floor, jisung was beyond dumbfounded.

it almost seemed as though whatever progress they had made over the last few days, had been completely disregarded.

'it's all your fucking fault.' jisung replayed in his head.

jisung knew that wasn't true. after all, minho was the one who had initiated something last night.

suddenly, he heard his phone buzzing on his desk.

as he leant over to see the caller id, his stomach instantly dropped.

'incoming phone call- mum'

with a deep sigh, jisung accepted the call.



jisung held the phone from his ear. wincing as his mother's voice was far too energetic for the morning.

"how have you been, my darling!?"

jisung left his room and headed into the kitchen.

"fine." he answered, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "tuesday was pretty hard though..."

for a few seconds, there was silence.

"why, hun, what happened?"

jisung's eyebrows slightly furrowed together.

"mum, it's the 10th of march today. tuesday, the 8th of march, was really hard for me."

another small pause.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now