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a week had passed without another storm and minho had started to feel as though it was too good to be true.

the weather app hadn't been helpful and minho was getting more anxious every day.

throughout the day, the sky would be indecisive. one minute pitch black and the next, as sunny as could be.

still, minho was glad that jisung was at his classes when he wasn't, and so couldn't add to his already angry state.

minho looked out to the sky and felt his breathing slightly falter at the black clouds.

"fuck this." he groaned. this marked the sixth time the clouds had been like this and yet a storm was yet to prevail.

so, he turned to his coffee machine as he was dying to preoccupy himself with something other than staring out the window.

it was then, while resting on the counter top, minho saw a flash of light reflected on the wall.

his body tensed.

now, minho was anticipating the thunder.

he remained still for a few seconds, trying to convince himself he'd imagined it.

very quickly, minho became frustrated at his actions and harshly placed the mug down.

"stop being such a coward." he scoffed aloud to himself in the empty dorm.

"you're imagining things." he continued. "it was just the kitchen light and there won't-"

the thunder was almost deafening.

without wasting a second, he rushed out the kitchen and ran into his bedroom where he buried himself under the covers.

he held the duvet tight around his face, desperately trying to block out the reflected flashes on the wall.

unfortunately, it hadn't worked as minho could still see the threatening beams of light on the floor. 

minho heard his heart beat in his ears, filling the otherwise silence as he grew more tense in anticipation of the thunder.

after a few seconds, a prolonged clap of thunder rang through the sky.

minho groaned in anger as he had worked out that the storm was right above him- not planning on leaving anytime soon.

suddenly, the bedroom door opened, hitting the wall causing minho to jump once again at the sound.

"jisung!" minho yelled as he shook off his duvet haven and looked at him with an intense scowl.

not only was minho furious that jisung was in front of him, but now he knew he had to act as though his biggest fear wasn't an issue.

"fuck off."

minho saw another flash on the wall and attempted to muster up all the strength he had to maintain his facade.

"minho," jisung spoke slowly, "what are you doing?"

in a way, minho was relieved jisung had spoke.

the thunder sounded and minho didn't wait to press his hands over his ears and heavily sigh in exasperation.

minho was smart, he knew jisung would assume his actions were due to the younger having spoken.

though the reality could not be further from the possible assumption.

"can you leave!?" minho yelled as he sat up and leant on the wall. "i'm clearly trying to sleep so go away and leave me alone."

jisung remained still, staring at minho.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now