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it was now wednesday and jisung was due to return home.

for the past two nights, minho had felt nothing but guilt. his attempts to think about anything but his roommate, futile.

now, the time was close to 5pm and minho was becoming restless while practically pacing around the living room.

suddenly, there was a light rustling at the door.

minho watched as jisung opened the door and immediately walked into his room.

though he wasn't sure what to do, minho found his feet had moved for him.

he was now right outside his roommate's door.

minho prepared himself by taking a deep breath.


after no response, he cleared his throat and knocked on the door.

"what do you want, minho?" jisung harshly asked, though minho heard the slight tremor in his voice.

a few seconds passed as minho was silently psyching himself up to speak.

"i...i really want to apologise."

minho remained silent, swallowing hard as he heard the door slowly open.

jisung stared up at him and only then did minho meet his eyes.

the younger was wearing a black hoodie that was pulled over his face. however, minho could still see his eyes as clear as anything.

even though it was obvious that jisung hadn't slept, mainly due to the bags under his eyes, minho couldn't shift his focus from how wide they were staring at him.

"i..." minho cleared his throat, shyly bringing his attention back to the floor. "wh-what i did was unfair and i shouldn't have asked you about something so private."

jisung was beyond confused.

two days he'd been away from the dorm. yet somehow, it seemed like his cold and intolerable roommate had been replaced by someone who seemed shy and almost...apologetic.

"you...what?" jisung asked in a quiet voice.

minho looked up at him, sighing as he fiddled with his fingers. "i erm...i-i know."

jisung felt tears pool in his eyes as he discreetly shook his head.

"i didn't know why you would be gone for two days and i-i was in the lobby when soochan asked me to take a parcel because you'd be gone for a while?" minho rambled.

minho cleared his throat and continued. "anyway, i came into your room to put the parcel on your bed and saw your...your calendar."

jisung's whole body slumped over. only a small sniffle was heard as he stared at the floor.

"i'm sorry..." minho almost whispered. "i-i really didn't mean to go through your personal things."

the guilt minho felt was overwhelming. all he expected was for jisung to slam the door in his face.

unexpectedly, he was met with jisung's body falling into his.

minho quickly caught jisung in his arms and knelt down to the floor with jisung's head buried in his chest.

tears were streaming down his face, his body violently shaking as his breathing was anything but calm.

"i-i miss him so much..." jisung sobbed, trying desperately to catch his breath.

without thinking, minho held jisung close to him, wrapping his arms around jisung's small frame as he softly rubbed his back.

in honesty, minho didn't know how exactly to comfort him.

jisung brought his hands from minho's chest to his face as his harsh sobs continued.

in that moment, he had forgotten all his prior feelings to minho and only saw him as giving him the one thing he needed.


minho felt a lump in his throat as jisung was now intensely crying against him.

"i know, i know." minho attempted to soothe, sitting down and crossing his legs as he carefully lifted jisung into his lap.

as he ran a hand through jisung's hair, he slowly began to rock the younger back and forth as he held him as close as possible.

minho had never comforted someone crying before and only tried to copy what his own mother used to do with him when he cried.

of course the last time that happened, minho had been seven years old.

though strangely enough, minho was now holding jisung exactly how the boy's father would when they'd watch a storm together.

jisung's crying slowed though his breathing remained shallow.

after blinking a few times, he slowly turned to look up at minho.

minho's eyes were lightly closed as he tried his best to focus on following the slow rocking motion.

once he realised jisung was slightly calmer, minho opened his eyes to see jisung staring back at him.

"m'sorry..." jisung mumbled, feeling nothing but embarrassment that he had appeared so vulnerable.

minho softly shook his head as his eyes roamed the features on jisung's face.

"no...no you're okay." he spoke quietly.

awkwardly, he cleared his throat. "do you erm...a-are you ready to get up?"

only now did jisung realise the situation they were in, having been completely incapable to think rationally of his actions.

"y-yeah." he gently whispered.

jisung tried to stand up but his legs slightly wobbled as his body still hadn't lost its tremor.

minho had quickly rushed to sit up on his knees as he caught jisung to hold him steady.

"i'll erm...i'll walk you to your bed...okay?"

jisung only nodded and felt minho's gentle but supportive grip around his waist and one of his arms.

minho took the parcel off of his bed and placed it on the floor out of jisung's eye-line.

whatever it was could wait.

as jisung settled down into his bed, he hesitantly reached forward to catch minho's arm.

"...t-thank you." he almost whispered, shocked to feel minho's hand over his own.

"its okay..." minho softly replied. "i was going to make dinner for myself in an hour...but i'll come and wake you up then."

jisung nodded and let go of minho's arm, turning himself over as he placed a hand under his pillow.

minho walked out of jisung's bedroom after lightly shutting the door behind him.

there was no clear thought in his mind as he paused in the hallway and sighed.

however, he tried to shake it off and distract himself by making dinner for himself and, strangely enough, his roommate.

there was a few reactions minho anticipated jisung would have to his apology.

but that, was not one minho could have ever predicted.

i love these few chapters sm

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now